GUIDELINES for HIV/AIDS interventions in emergency settings
17 ноября 2005 года.
The Guidelines for HIVAIDS interventions in emergency settings provide valuable information for organizations and individuals involved in developing responses to HIVIAIDS during crises. Topics covered include: Prevention and preparednessResponding to sexual violence and exploitationFood aid and distributionSafe blood supplyCondom supply and usageSpecial groups: women and children, orphans, uniformed servicespersonnel, refugeesSafe deliveriesUniversal precautionsPost exposure prophylaxisWorkplace issues, andHandling discrimination The Guidelines include a Matrix, designed to present response information in a simplified chart, which can be photocopied readily for use in emergency situations. The Guidelines also include a companion CD-ROM, which provides all the information in the printed Guidelines document, as well as documents in electronic format (AcrobatIPDF, Word, HTML). Designed for ease of use, the CD-ROM launches automatically on most computers, and uses simple browser-style navigation. Published by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, the Guidelines give responders a versatile tool for quickly and easily accessing the latest information on HIVIAIDS in emergency settings.
Репортажи по теме
Uniting against female genital mutilation
04 марта 2008 года.