The Guidelines for HIVAIDS interventions in emergency settings provide valuable information for organizations and individuals involved in developing responses to HIVIAIDS during crises. Topics covered include: Prevention and preparednessResponding to sexual violence and exploitationFood aid and distributionSafe blood supplyCondom supply and usageSpecial groups: women and children, orphans, uniformed servicespersonnel, refugeesSafe deliveriesUniversal precautionsPost exposure prophylaxisWorkplace issues, andHandling discrimination The Guidelines include a Matrix, designed to present response information in a simplified chart, which can be photocopied readily for use in emergency situations. The Guidelines also include a companion CD-ROM, which provides all the information in the printed Guidelines document, as well as documents in electronic format (AcrobatIPDF, Word, HTML). Designed for ease of use, the CD-ROM launches automatically on most computers, and uses simple browser-style navigation. Published by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, the Guidelines give responders a versatile tool for quickly and easily accessing the latest information on HIVIAIDS in emergency settings.