UNAIDS applauds the commitment of United Nations Member States to provide 1 billion more people with quality health services by 2023

NEW YORK/GENEVA, 23 September 2019—UNAIDS welcomes the strong commitment made by United Nations Member States to achieve universal health coverage (UHC) by 2030. Member States recommitted to achieving UHC at the first ever United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage, which took place in New York, United States of America, on 23 September. During the meeting, United Nations Member States adopted a political declaration on UHC in which they reaffirmed the right of people to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health as an integral part of the Sustainable Development Goals.

In the worrying context of shrinking civic space, UNAIDS is encouraged by the call made by Member States in the political declaration to engage civil society in health system governance, in health policies and in the UHC review process. Engaging civil society and communities worldwide will be critical to ensuring the overall success of UHC.

Read full press release | Political Declaration on UHC (pdf)

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HIV and universal health coverage — A guide for civil society

The aim of universal health coverage is that everyone has access to the quality health services they need without suffering financial hardship owing to the cost of paying for those services. Universal health coverage should include quality essential health services—covering health promotion, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation
and palliative care—though a clearly defined health benefit package.

It is important that HIV is included in the health benefit package. That funding for HIV comes from external sources is not a reason for the service not to be included in the health benefit package. Having HIV in the health benefit package will support better integration of services and care, allow for countries to progressively
shift, as they are able, to national ownership of HIV financing and ensure that HIV is not missing from national health priorities.

Read explainer on HIV and universal health coverage (a guide for civil society)

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