Feature Story

Guyana launches national HIV prevention principles, standards and guidelines

24 марта 2010

Hon. Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, Minister of Health of Guyana launching the national HIV prevention, principles, standards and guidelines. 24 March 2010.

On Wednesday 24th March 2010, Guyana unveiled the country’s new national principles, standards and guidelines for the prevention of HIV as part of its efforts to achieving universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.

“By 2020 Guyana must be well on the road towards elimination of HIV as a major public health problem,” said Dr Leslie Ramsammy, Guyana’s Minister of Health.

The principles, standards and guidelines are the result of two years of work under the leadership of the Ministry of Health’s National AIDS Programme, in close collaboration with UNAIDS. Guyana’s HIV prevention quality standards are fully in line with the UNAIDS Executive Director’s call for a global “prevention revolution” to reduce the number of new HIV infections.

“Prevention is a key priority. We need to construct a compelling prevention narrative. One built upon equality and human rights. One that recognizes the importance of responses that are strategically tailored to local epidemics, that include biomedical, behavioural and structural approaches, and that meaningfully involves beneficiaries,” said UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé.

According to UNAIDS, the national HIV prevention principles, standards and guidelines represent an important step forward for intensifying HIV prevention activities in Guyana, and should serve as a model for other countries in the region. The guidelines feature a scorecard for rating the quality of prevention programmes being implemented.