Feature Story
President focuses on AIDS in Mexico
06 декабря 2007
06 декабря 2007 06 декабря 2007
Dr Piot commended the President on his
commitment to making AIDS a priority and
particularly for the AIDS policies which have been
developed by the President’s administration.
As part of a six-day visit to Mexico, the Executive Director of UNAIDS, Dr Peter Piot, met with Mexico’s President, Felipe Calderon Hinojosa, to discuss ways of increasing collaboration to strengthen the response to AIDS in the country.
Dr Piot commended the President on his commitment to making AIDS a priority and particularly for the AIDS policies which have been developed by the President’s administration.
Also on the agenda were discussions around Mexico’s decentralized approach to the AIDS response, which has proved to be particularly effective. Dr Piot emphasized that the local capacity which has been built-up through this model should be used as an example for other countries to follow.
The meeting came just two days after Dr Piot commemorated World AIDS Day in Mexico at the X National congress on AIDS 2007. Following-up on the 1 December theme of Leadership, Dr Piot encouraged the President of Mexico to continue his leadership on south-to-south collaborations on AIDS together with leaders from other countries in Latin America.
Looking ahead to 2008, the two men discussed the upcoming International AIDS Conference which Mexico will be hosting next August. This will be the first time that the event has been held in Latin America. President Calderon recognized the importance of next year’s conference and has already made plans to be present at the opening ceremony, news which was warmly welcomed by Dr Piot.
Read UNAIDS Executive Director's speech at the closing ceremony of the X national congress on AIDS 2007
Read more about World AIDS Day
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