
Caring for carers : managing stress in those who care for people with HIV and AIDS : UNAIDS case study

21 июня 2000 года.

The strain on those who care for people living with HIV/AIDS is enormous and wide-ranging. As the epidemic spreads and matures, these people—front-line workers in the efforts to stop HIV/AIDS and contain the damage it does to society—become an even more precious resource. The quality of care they provide and their ability to do so over a sustained period depend on their own well-being and morale. This report draws attention to the needs of home- and community-based carers, and what can be done to support them more effectively. It highlights the symptoms and causes of stress and burnout, and the options available for managing these conditions. It draws on the first-hand experience of individuals and AIDS organizations in Uganda and South Africa. The report is intended for all those with an interest in the care of people with HIV/AIDS, but especially for those with direct responsibility for providing care or managing carers, for policy-making in this field, or for supporting HIV/AIDS programmes.