Joint evaluation of the UN Joint Programme on AIDS's work with key populations (2018-2021)
05 апреля 2022 года.
UNAIDS, WHO, UNODC and UNESCO Evaluation Offices have jointly managed an independent evaluation of the UN Joint Programme on AIDS work with key populations. The evaluation combined a global consultation and document review with six in-depth country case studies, engaging key populations in all stages of the evaluation. The Joint Programme is recognized for supporting key population responses. However, advocacy to defend the human rights needs to increase and programming needs prioritizing to address inequalities and pockets of high incidence. Inclusive planning processes are needed to enhance the relevance of Joint Programme activities, as well as a stronger monitoring and reporting system. To ensure financial sustainability, there is need for more investments for key populations as well as integration of HIV services and making UHC work for different key population groups. The evaluation helps understanding what support to community-led responses means in practice.
Related resources: Evaluation report – Vol I | Country case studies – Vol II | Evaluation brief | Presentation | Key messages | Management response