
Evaluation of the UN Joint Programme on HIV in Mozambique

27 августаа 2021 года.

The evaluation of the Joint Programme in Mozambique tries to respond to three overarching questions: is the UN Joint Programme on HIV in Mozambique doing the right things, in the right way, and achieving the right results? The evaluation assessess the contribution of the UN Joint Programme on HIV in relation to the 10 core commitments of the United Nations General Assembly 2016 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS and the UNAIDS 90–90–90 targets. It captures the perspectives of the UNAIDS Secretariat and Cosponsors, the Government of Mozambique, civil society and other key national and international partners. The evaluation highlights the importance of continued and intensified support from the UN to the national HIV response and is expected to inform current and future AIDS programmes and activities under the new United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework in the country.