
Independent evaluation of the UN system response to AIDS in 2016-2019

01 июня 2020 года.

The independent evaluation of the UN system response to AIDS is a joint evaluation and it assesses the role and contributions of UNAIDS – the UN Joint Programme on AIDS – in the achievement of the goals and targets in the UNAIDS 2016-2021 Strategy and the Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework (UBRAF). The evaluation was designed around three main evaluation questions: Is the Joint Programme through the UBRAF focusing the right things? Is the Joint Programme doing these things in the right ways? To what extent is the Joint Programme delivering the right results? The evaluation has been carried out at a time of ambitious reforms of the UN development system with the aim of informing discussions and decisions on how the UN system response to AIDS can and should evolve to remain relevant in the changing context of the AIDS response in different countries.

Related documents: Executive summary | AnnexesSummary slide deck | Management response