Gender equality


Agenda for accelerated country action for women, girls, gender equality and HIV: How civil society, governments and the UN system can together create an effective response A briefing note for action by communities

12 мартаа 2010 года.

The agenda for accelerated country action provides guidance for UN agencies at the country level (UN joint teams on AIDS) on actions to be taken in collaboration with governments, civil society and development partners to make national AIDS policies and programmes more responsive to the specific needs, and more protective of the rights, of women and girls.


Женщины говорят во весь голос: О том, как женщины, живущие с ВИЧ, помогут миру победить СПИД.

11 декабря 2012 года.

Хотя женщины и составляют половину населения планеты, их положение нельзя назвать равноправным. Это особенно очевидно, когда речь заходит о ВИЧ. Половина всех людей, живущих с ВИЧ, – женщины, но многие из них не получают необходимой помощи или же не знают своего статуса. Несмотря на многочисленные свидетельства успехов, женщины по-прежнему сталкиваются с неравенством, которое препятствует полной реализации потенциала мер противодействия СПИДу.


Remarks of Kathleen Cravero, Deputy Executive Director, UNAIDS at American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, November 9, 2004

24 ноября 2004 года.

The American Public Health Association has a long and distinguished tradition of linking health and human rights and I am honored to have the opportunity to address you all this morning.


"AIDS and gender equality: a time for new paradigms" - Speech by Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director - Opening of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 53rd Session, 2 March 2009

02 мартаа 2009 года.

It troubles me greatly to say that caring societies are in recession. We are bombarded with news and reports of increasingly terrible acts perpetuated on women. In South Africa according the Medical Research Council of Cape Town University, one in four women report being abused by an intimate partner – and every six hours a woman is killed. In the UK according to the British Crime Survey, a reported 80,000 women suffer rape every year2. Research from a number of countries confirms what seems common sense: there is a strong relationship between intimate partner violence and HIV status.


Speech by Michel Sidibé, Executive Director, UNAIDS to Opening of the Global Symposium: Engaging Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality

30 мартаа 2009 года.

Pot-banging for gender equality and universal access: scaling up our engagement with men and boys


Building HIV-NCD connections for healthy women and girls: First Ladies’ side event at the UN High Level meeting on Non-communicable disease

19 сентября 2011 года.

The lessons we have learned from 30 years of responding to AIDS can be readily applied to pushing the NCD agenda forward. If the women leaders assembled here today can mobilize the same energy, commitment and perseverance that you have demonstrated in the AIDS response, then we will deliver life-changing results for women, girls and the future of NCDs.


Speech by Ms. Jantine Jacobi, Chief, Gender Equality and Diversity Division on the occasion of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, 57th session, New York

11 мартаа 2013 года.

To help measure progress on gender equality and HIV, a global indicator on “prevalence of recent intimate partner violence” has been added to the core indicators for country reporting on the progress in the AIDS response, with 52 countries having reported on the indicator. The UNAIDS family would like to reiterate its readiness to work with all partners to eliminate violence against women and girls and work towards the vision of Zero new HIV infections, Zero AIDS-related deaths, and Zero discrimination.


Women will transform post-2015 development

27 июня 2013 года.

What we need is a social revolution. First, we must give women and girls the power to protect themselves from HIV by giving them access to the life skills and knowledge of sexuality education. Second, this social revolution calls for a shift in the development agenda. Poverty reduction must be accompanied by an expansion of dignity and freedom for women and girls.

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