Глобальный план устранения новых случаев заражения ВИЧ среди детей до 2015 года и оказания помощи матерям, чтобы они могли оставаться в живых

UNAIDS Executive Director's Speech on the occasion of Consultation on Church Responses to Sexual Violence, Lambeth Palace Westminster, United Kingdom

Ninth General Assembly of the Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Launch of the Agenda for Accelerating Country Action on Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV

Agenda for accelerated country action for women, girls, gender equality and HIV: How civil society, governments and the UN system can together create an effective response A briefing note for action by communities

Agenda for accelerated country action for women, girls, gender equality and HIV: How civil society, governments and the UN system can together create an effective response A briefing note for action by communities

UNAIDS Executive Director, Michel Sidibé attends United Nations General Assembly and bilateral events in New York

Speech by Michel Sidibé, Executive Director, UNAIDS to Opening of the Global Symposium: Engaging Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality

"AIDS and gender equality: a time for new paradigms" - Speech by Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director - Opening of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 53rd Session, 2 March 2009

"AIDS and gender equality: a time for new paradigms" - Speech by Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director - Opening of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 53rd Session, 2 March 2009

Speech at the 5th meeting of the Regional Coalition of First Ladies and Women Leaders of Latin America on Women and AIDS, Mexico City, 2 August 2008

Opening Remarks to the Fourth Meeting of the First Ladies and Women Leaders Coalition of Latin America on Women and AIDS

Cooperation for Development Alliances for Addressing the Feminization of the Epidemic and Move Towards Universal Access

Speech at the 4th General Assembly of the Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS.

SOFIA LAUNCH, House of Commons, London, 23 November 2005. Remarks by Debbie Landey, Deputy Executive Director, UNAIDS.

Remarks of Kathleen Cravero, Deputy Executive Director, UNAIDS at American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, November 9, 2004

Remarks of Kathleen Cravero, Deputy Executive Director, UNAIDS at American Public Health Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, November 9, 2004

Remarks of Kathleen Cravero, UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director, at the UNAIDS PCB, Geneva 24 June 2004

Remarks of Kathleen Cravero, UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director, at the UNAIDS PCB, Geneva 24 June 2004