Tuberculosis TB


Time to act: Save a million lives by 2015 - Prevent and treat tuberculosis among people living with HIV

06 juin 2011

We live in a time of unprecedented hope for the 33.3 million people living with HIV worldwide. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) offers the promise of a full and fulfilling life. Now people living with HIV can raise their families, work and pursue their dreams. But a thief is in our midst—one that is routinely robbing people, and the countries they live in, of their futures. Every minute, three people living with HIV have their lives snatched away by tuberculosis (TB). Africa, hit hard by HIV, is also hit hard by TB. TB is the main cause of death in people living with HIV.


Collaboration between TB and HIV services helps save lives

24 mars 2009

On World TB Day 2009 the challenge remains to have closer collaboration between TB and HIV services to make sure people are tested for both diseases and have universal access to the HIV and TB treatment. Addressing TB and HIV as linked infections is at the heart of the approach of the Desmond Tutu TB clinic in Stellenbosch in South Africa’s Western Cape.

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