PCB Subcommittee

Subcommittee of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board on the preparation of the 2012-2015 Unified Budget and Accountability Framework

Establishment of the subcommittee by the Programme Coordinating Board (PCB)

Decision of the 26th meeting of the PCB related to the establishment of the subcommittee

“The UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB)

10.5 Take effective responsibility for oversight of UNAIDS, by revising the working practices of the Programme Coordinating Board to improve the effectiveness of its meetings, issues and changes to include the following:

j. PCB subcommittee on the UBW: that the subcommittee continue with a revised terms of reference, including an assessment of budgetary allocations to different Cosponsors; and to encourage appropriate and full representation with qualified, engaged and financially-competent participants who have a working knowledge of the UN and preferably UNAIDS, also that the subcommittee would not be a permanent structure but will be convened when relevant to the preparation of the Unified Budget and Workplan;”

Revised Terms of reference of the subcommittee approved by the PCB Bureau:
Mindful of this decision the PCB Bureau, at its meeting on 8 July 2010, agreed the following revised terms of reference for the subcommittee:
In accordance with decision 10.5 (j) of the 26th meeting of the PCB, the PCB ad hoc subcommittee is reconstituted for the preparation of a Unified Budget and Accountability Framework for 2012-2015 with the mandate to review in a general manner and make recommendations to the 28th PCB meeting on:

a. the overall priorities, scope and structure of the UNAIDS Budget and Accountability Framework, including an assessment of budgetary allocations of different Cosponsors;
b. the expected results and broad activities of the Unified Budget and Accountability Framework;
c. the performance monitoring framework, indicators, targets and financial implementation reports; and
d. follow-up on implementation of the previous decisions on the Unified Budget and Accountability Framework.

The PCB Bureau also agreed that the process for constitution of the membership of the ad hoc subcommittee should be the same as that used previously in 2009, and should also include the element of the PCB decision above that relates to the type of participant to be sought, namely that:

a. The subcommittee shall be comprised of a maximum of ten member states (two per geographical region), two NGOs, two Cosponsors and the UNAIDS Secretariat, and that the report(s) of the subcommittee be posted on the UNAIDS website.
b. That participants should be qualified, engaged and financially-competent, with a working knowledge of the UN and preferably UNAIDS.
c. Nominations for the subcommittee must be members/participants in the PCB during 2010 and 2011.
d. By the deadline of 31 August each constituency (the five regional groups of Member States, PCB NGOs and Cosponsors) is invited to submit proposals for membership, preferably on a consensus basis.
e. Each constituency is requested to submit the exact number of nominations to fill the number of places (2) on the subcommittee for that constituency.
f. If the number of nominations exceeds or is less than the number of places on the subcommittee for a particular constituency, the PCB Chair will contact all members of the constituency represented on the Board for further discussion and agreement.
g. Once the subcommittee is established the PCB Bureau will communicate the names of the members to all Member States, PCB NGOs and Cosponsors.
h. The PCB Bureau shall propose, for agreement by the PCB using the inter-sessional decision making process, a Chair from within the membership of the subcommittee

Members of the subcommittee:

The members of the Subcommittee, confirmed in November 2010, are as follows:

AFRICA: Ghana, Senegal (Chair of PCB Subcommittee)
ASIA: Japan
WEOG: Finland, Netherlands
GRULAC: El Salvador, Venezuela
PCB NGOs: Asia Pacific, Europe
UNAIDS Secretariat: DXD Management and External Relations

Chair of the PCB Subcommittee: Mme Mariame Sy, Counselor at the Permanent Mission of Senegal to the United Nations in Geneva, and Chair of the PCB Subcommittee on the 2012-2015 UBRAF.


  • Learn more about the 2012-2015 Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework

Report of the subcommittee to the PCB

  • Report of the subcommittee of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board on the preparation of the 2012-2015 Unified Budget, Results and Accountability Framework ( en | fr )

Third meeting of the subcommittee (19 April 2011)

Second meeting of the subcommittee (11 March 2011)

First meeting of the subcommittee (09 December 2010)

Related Documents

  • UNAIDS Strategy 2011-2015 ( en / fr )
  • Joint action for results: UNAIDS Outcome Framework 2009-2011 ( en / fr )
  • 2010-2011 UBW ( en / fr )
  • 2010-2011 UBW Performance Monitoring Framework) ( en / fr )
