UNAIDS launches the development of the new Global AIDS Strategy 2026-2031
In the past two decades, HIV-related deaths have been reduced by more than half, and millions of people have gained access to life-saving treatment. Scientific breakthroughs, strong political commitment, and community leadership have transformed the HIV response.

HIV financial data: A transformative power to ensure sustainability of the AIDS response
Progress towards ending AIDS as a public health threat has been strongest in the countries and regions with sufficient investments in their HIV responses, especially in countries from eastern and southern Africa. However, a critical part of this success lies in understanding where resources are being allocated and ensuring that investments are directed towards the most impactful interventions.

Global leaders commit to accelerating global efforts to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030
NAIROBI, 13 December 2024—The 55th meeting of UNAIDS’ Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) has concluded in Nairobi, Kenya, with Board members reaffirming their commitment to end the AIDS pandemic by 2030. Taking place in Africa for the first time in 18 years, the PCB meeting came at a critical moment for the AIDS response as new scientific advances bring the hope of ending the AIDS pandemic closer than ever and as UNAIDS embarks on developing the next Global AIDS Strategy and building political…
Christoforos Mallouris: From personal struggle to collective strength
Christoforos Mallouris' journey from humble beginnings in Cyprus to becoming a prominent global HIV advocate is a powerful story of personal transformation.

Upholding dignity for everyone: Ariadne Ribeiro Ferreira
Now 43 years old, Ariadne Ribeiro Ferreira, a trans woman working for UNAIDS in Brazil, advocates to leaders and speaks to media around the world. As she is an inspiration to colleagues, many are keen to learn more about Ariadne’s story.
Evelyn Siula: A journey of strength and solidarity
Today, Evelyn works for UNAIDS and is the vice chair of the UN Plus Advisory Group. She is proud to show that people living with HIV are leading healthy and productive lives.

Young people living with HIV urge world leaders to partner with them in the AIDS response
NEW YORK/GENEVA, 19 September 2024—With support from UNAIDS, two young social media influencers living with HIV are on their way to the United Nations General Assembly and the Summit of the Future in New York to urge world leaders to partner with them in the response to HIV. Ibanomonde Ngema from South Africa and Jerop Limo from Kenya will call on leaders to invest in youth-friendly health systems, provide holistic services for young people living with HIV, and to partner with young people and…

Developing the 2030 recommended HIV targets: framing the future of the HIV response
UNAIDS has launched the 2030 target-setting process that will provide the framework for the next Global AIDS Strategy. A Global Targets Task Team (GTT) composed of 33 experts from governments, civil society and communities, donors, multilateral organizations and academic public health experts will propose the targets building on the targets set for 2025.
Governments, civil society and United Nations agencies join together to “accelerate and sustain” a resilient response to HIV
GENEVA, 27 June 2024—At the 54th meeting of UNAIDS’ Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) which concluded today in Geneva, Switzerland, governments, civil society and United Nations agencies united in a shared commitment to accelerate progress to meet the 2025 AIDS targets and sustain the gains of the global HIV response toward 2030 and beyond.
Mountaintop moment: Ensuring a sustainable AIDS response beyond 2030
Key figures in the AIDS response came together at the 54th meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) to discuss how to ensure that the gains from the HIV response can be sustained beyond 2030.