UNAIDS launches the development of the new Global AIDS Strategy 2026-2031
In the past two decades, HIV-related deaths have been reduced by more than half, and millions of people have gained access to life-saving treatment. Scientific breakthroughs, strong political commitment, and community leadership have transformed the HIV response.

HIV financial data: A transformative power to ensure sustainability of the AIDS response
Progress towards ending AIDS as a public health threat has been strongest in the countries and regions with sufficient investments in their HIV responses, especially in countries from eastern and southern Africa. However, a critical part of this success lies in understanding where resources are being allocated and ensuring that investments are directed towards the most impactful interventions.
Christoforos Mallouris: From personal struggle to collective strength
Christoforos Mallouris' journey from humble beginnings in Cyprus to becoming a prominent global HIV advocate is a powerful story of personal transformation.

Upholding dignity for everyone: Ariadne Ribeiro Ferreira
Now 43 years old, Ariadne Ribeiro Ferreira, a trans woman working for UNAIDS in Brazil, advocates to leaders and speaks to media around the world. As she is an inspiration to colleagues, many are keen to learn more about Ariadne’s story.
Evelyn Siula: A journey of strength and solidarity
Today, Evelyn works for UNAIDS and is the vice chair of the UN Plus Advisory Group. She is proud to show that people living with HIV are leading healthy and productive lives.

Developing the 2030 recommended HIV targets: framing the future of the HIV response
UNAIDS has launched the 2030 target-setting process that will provide the framework for the next Global AIDS Strategy. A Global Targets Task Team (GTT) composed of 33 experts from governments, civil society and communities, donors, multilateral organizations and academic public health experts will propose the targets building on the targets set for 2025.

UN Plus relaunches to support and advocate for UN workforce members living with HIV
The survey findings underscored that many UN workforce living with HIV still face workplace stigma and discrimination, which negatively affects their professional opportunities and personal well-being. Mental health concerns were also prominent, often stemming from issues related to their HIV status.

UNAIDS’ key takeaways from the 78th United Nations General Assembly
The topic of the global AIDS response—including its successes and invaluable lessons for handling pandemics—permeated many discussions during last week’s United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York. From three High-Level meetings on health, to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit to remarks given to the General Assembly and at High-Level Side events, the lessons from 40 years of responding to HIV—including the principle of leaving no one behind—were repeatedly referenced in the…

New report from UNAIDS shows that AIDS can be ended by 2030 and outlines the path to get there
A new report released today by UNAIDS shows that there is a clear path that ends AIDS. This path will also help prepare for and tackle future pandemics and advance progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The report, ‘The Path that Ends AIDS’, contains data and case studies which highlight that ending AIDS is a political and financial choice, and that the countries and leaders who are already following the path are achieving extraordinary results.

A Quilt in the Making: UNAIDS shares learnings from its journey of Culture Transformation
To help reflect on the progress made and the work still under way in the process of Culture Transformation, UNAIDS has produced a new brochure that is being shared with staff, stakeholders and other UN organizations.