United Nations Summit for the adoption of the Post-2015 development agenda - High-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly
26 September 2015
UNAIDS statement delivered by Deputy Executive Director, UNAIDS, Ms Jan Beagle, 25 September 2015
Imagine a world 15 years from now. A world where every young person has access to high quality secondary education, and policies and legislation for gender equality protect and empower women and girls. We have substantially increased the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. The poor have access to financial services and markets. And road traffic deaths have been cut in half.
UNAIDS congratulates Jan Beagle as new United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Management

01 June 2017
Top donors value UNAIDS’ contribution to change

28 March 2017
HIV and gender inextricably linked

17 February 2017
Youth and innovation shine on World AIDS Day in Algeria

01 December 2016