Injecting drug use IDU


Overview of Epidemic and Response in Asia and the Pacific

21 août 2007

Distinguished guests, colleagues and friends, good morning. I thank the local organizing committee of the 8th ICAAP for this opportunity to stand before you once again and to look at how we are progressing after the Kobe ICAAP.Meeting two years after the Kobe Conference presents a good opportunity to take stock of the situation and to look ahead at the enormous challenges we are facing in the region in combating the AIDS epidemic.


“The globalization of risks: the case of AIDS”: Lecture by Peter Piot, UNAIDS Executive Director to Central Party School, Beijing, 17 September 2008

17 septembre 2008

I am deeply honored to address the Central Party School and thank Vice President Li Junru for inviting me to join you this afternoon to talk about AIDS. I want to start by commending the School for its AIDS programme. Your achievements in integrating AIDS education into your curriculum and using distance learning methodologies to disseminate them are remarkable.


Speech by UNAIDS Executive Director: Pragmatism vs. Punishment: The Case for Harm Reduction

10 mars 2010

In much of the world, the HIV epidemic among drug users is long-standing. But in some places it is newly emerging. In East Africa, HIV transmission due to drug use is rising. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia we are seeing a new upturn in infections in some countries of the region―a new generation of drug injectors is going through the same pattern of HIV spread as the previous generation. We must focus our efforts on stopping this chain of transmission. Above all, that means making it safer for those who are use drugs. This is harm reduction, and it is an effective and important form of HIV prevention and a key component of our pledge for Universal Access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.


UNAIDS Executive Director’s speech at the Opening of the MDG 6 Forum in Moscow

10 octobre 2011

This region is experiencing a level of economic growth that no one could have predicted even 12 to 15 years ago. This change is calling for a new kind of global governance, which must be undertaken with a spirit that will help us to share responsibility; to build on our shared values. This means protecting people—making sure that the rights of those who need services will not be marginalized or neglected.

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