UNAIDS Executive Director’s speech at Lowy Institute
27 de agosto de 2010
We meet at a moment in time when the AIDS response is at a crossroads. We have achieved some lasting gains against the epidemic: The conspiracy of silence has been broken. Over five million people are on lifesaving treatment. Infection rates are dropping. People living with HIV and engaged and active in ways we have never before seen. Young people have reduced their HIV prevalence 25% in 15 of the highest-burden countries. We expect to virtually eliminate mother-to-child transmission of HIV in just a few years
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UNAIDS welcomes the decriminalisation of same-sex relations by the Cook Islands parliament

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Healthcare access is fraught for trans people in Asia and the Pacific. Communities are working to change this.

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Beyond transgender visibility: India works toward employment equity

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Asia Pacific women living with HIV speak out about rights violations

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How harsh drug laws undermine health and human rights in Asia Pacific

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Thailand partners develop community-led HIV care curriculum

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Thailand’s Mplus: HIV services delivered in style

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Preventing transmission and tackling stigma: The power of U=U

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