Feature Story
Financial resource requirements for AIDS
26 Septiembre 2007
26 Septiembre 2007 26 Septiembre 2007
The report* puts forward three
different approaches to financing
the AIDS response
UNAIDS has released a new report on the estimated financial resources required for the AIDS response. The report, entitled Financial Resources required to Achieve Universal Access to HIV, Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support* puts forward three different approaches to financing the AIDS response including:
Scaling-up at current rates. By following the current rate of annual scale-up, the estimated resource requirements would be between US$ 14 - 18 billion in 2015, this amount would provide antiretroviral treatment for 8 million people in that year and the prevention, care, support and social mitigation targets would be far from Universal Access levels.
Universal Access by 2010. This approach envisages significant increases in available resources and an urgent and dramatic scale-up of coverage in all countries. Following this approach would provide antiretroviral treatment for 14 million people by 2010. To achieve this, the annual resource requirements would rise to between US$ 32 - 51 billion in 2010 and between US$ 45 - 63 billion by 2015. Prevention, care, support and social mitigation targets would also reach the targets consistent with universal access in 2010.
Phased scale-up to universal access by 2015. This approach assumes different rates of scale-up for each country based on current service coverage and capacity, with the achievement of different programmatic targets (prevention, care, treatment, support and social mitigation) at different times and the achievement of universal access by all countries by 2015. The approach would require between US$ 41 - 58 billion in 2015.
The estimates provided in the report, developed for 132 low- and middle-income countries, were based on the type of epidemic and nationally established targets using the latest available data.
*The 2008 version of the report is under preparation and will include revised resource needs estimates based on the latest downwards adjustments of the global prevalence data from the 2007 AIDS Epidemic Update.
Download report - Financial Resources Required to Achieve Universal Access to HIV Prevention,Treatment, Care and Support
Read report summary ( en | fr | ru | es )
Read methodology documents
Right Hand Content
Media Kit:
Report summary* ( en | fr | ru | es ) *The 2008 version of the report is under preparation and will include revised resource needs estimates based on the latest downwards adjustments of the global prevalence data from the 2007 AIDS Epidemic Update.
Fact Sheet: Universal Access
Fact Sheet: Summary of the methodology used to estimate the financial resources required for the global AIDS response
Related Links:
Universal Access
Financial Tracking
Epidemiological Estimates
Related Documents:
Critical Review of Costing Models to Estimate Resource Needs to Address Global HIV and AIDS
Novel and Alternative Approaches to Estimate Global Resource Needs to HIV and AIDS
Improving parameter estimation, projection methods, uncertainty estimation, and epidemic classification
Practical guidelines for intensifying HIV prevention
Towards Universal Access: Scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector
ART for HIV infection in adults and adolescents
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