
Condom social marketing : selected case studies

07 de febrero de 2001

In the mid-1980s, condom social marketing emerged as a key strategy in the fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS. Through social marketing programmes in countries affected by the epidemic, condoms are now more readily available, affordable and acceptable to sexually active men and women. This document is the fourth in a series on social marketing produced by UNAIDS. It provides basic information on this activity and how its concepts and techniques may be applied to the spread of HIV/AIDS, particularly in developing countries. It presents six different social marketing techniques drawn from on-going projects in Cameroon, Columbia, Haiti, India, Kenya, and Mozambique in the field of reproductive health and prevention of HIV/AIDS/STIS. Individually they illustrate real-life approaches to condom promotion through social marketing, in response to particular needs. In addition, they demonstrate the flexibility of social marketing and how the technique can be adapted to deal with differing situations.