Evaluation of the UNAIDS Secretariat Gender Action Plan
27 de agosto de 2021
Gender equality is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as a goal and as a critical enabler to progress across the entire agenda. In 2018, building on previous efforts and as part of the UN Secretary-General System-wide Strategy on Gender Parity, UNAIDS developed a Gender Action Plan (GAP) 2018-2023, to achieve gender parity among its workforce, embed gender across learning and performance management and empower staff. The evaluation of the GAP takes stock of what has been achieved and where progress is lacking. It explores relevant organizational developments and options to achieve and update the GAP targets. The main achievement to date has been to move the UNAIDS workplace towards reaching parity among women and men. The next step is to go deeper and to develop tailored actions, targets, and commitments to support that change. The findings and recommendations of the evaluation are expected to advance gender equality and a broader culture transformation in UNAIDS. Related document: Management response