World AIDS Day 2014 Report - Social media
The world is embarking on a #FastTrack strategy to end the #AIDS epidemic by 2030 #WAD2014
The next five years are crucial. Reaching the #FastTrack targets will effectively end the #AIDS epidemic #WAD2014
The bedrock of the #AIDS response is commitment 2 #humanrights Nothing but #zerodiscrimination is acceptable #WAD2014
Continued investments r needed to build health systems capacity &reach the goal of ending the #AIDS epidemic #WAD2014
There r major benefits if we #FastTrack the #AIDS response: 28M #HIV infections will b averted btwn 2015-30 #WAD2014
To #FastTrack the #AIDS response will lead to 21M AIDS-related deaths averted btw 2015-30 #WAD2014
The economic return on fast-tracked investment is expected to be 15 to 1 #WAD2014 #FastTrack
#FastTrack targets will generate extraordinary returns. Read the report for more info: #WAD2014
To accelerate progress towards ending the epidemic, new #FastTrack goals have been set #WAD2014
Meeting the ambitious #FastTrack targets will also avert 21M #AIDS-related deaths by 2030. #WAD2014
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UNAIDS launched a new report, Fast-Track: Ending the AIDS Epidemic by 2030. The report outlines a bold new set of targets which would need to be reached by 2020 if the epidemic is to be ended by 2030. By taking the Fast-Track approach nearly 28 million new HIV infections and 21 million AIDS-related deaths would be averted by 2030.
Join us on World AIDS Day to engage the world community in the #FastTrack goals. To end the AIDS epidemic by 2030, the global community will need again to defy expectations. Achieving the funding required to end the AIDS epidemic will demand renewed commitment, innovative financing and an intensified strategic focus. Together we can achieve the #FastTrack goals.