Namibia lifts travel ban for people living with HIV

Landmark forum in China to champion rights-based approach to HIV

The judiciary and the AIDS response
Launch of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law: “Addressing punitive laws and human rights violations blocking effective AIDS responses”

UNAIDS addresses UN Human Rights Council on the impact of punitive laws on HIV

Report calls for urgent scale-up of MSM strategies to prevent HIV in Asia Pacific

Punitive laws limit access to HIV prevention and care services in Asia Pacific
China lifts travel ban for people living with HIV
Parliamentarians call for lifting travel restrictions for people living with HIV

Spotlight on human rights at the 5th Francophone Conference on AIDS

Universal access in the Caribbean must include men who have sex with men

UN Human Rights Council and HIV

Power of words: Brazil LGBT launch guide for media

Fiji first Pacific Island nation with colonial-era sodomy laws to formally to decriminalize homosexuality

UNAIDS takes action to empower women and girls to protect themselves from HIV

UNAIDS, Annie Lennox, launch action framework for women, girls and HIV

CONCASIDA opens with spotlight on needs of young people

UN Secretary-General applauds the removal of entry restrictions based on HIV status by United States of America and Republic of Korea
UNAIDS urges Rwandan leadership in rejecting punitive laws which setback the AIDS response

South African Muppet Kami speaks the language of acceptance

Eminent African Jurists discuss HIV and the law

Peru: New campaign to counter stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV
Secretary-General's Message for Human Rights Day 2009

Human Rights Day - Partnering with men to stop human rights violations against women
Laws that criminalize groups and behaviours threaten to jeopardize universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support

Developing indicators on HIV-related stigma and discrimination

United Kingdom rollout The People Living with HIV Stigma Index

UNAIDS Executive Director, Yao Ming and Government launch campaign against discrimination in China

Michel Sidibé commends China’s progress in AIDS response

“Just like you” video campaign against stigma and prejudice launched in Brazil

Study tour of Police initiatives in India
Antiretroviral treatment for prevention
UN Secretary-General urges countries to follow the United States and lift travel restrictions for people living with HIV
UNAIDS welcomes announcement to remove entry restrictions based on HIV status from US policy

Michel Sidibé congratulates Indian sexual minority communities for uniting against Section 377

Gender and sexuality: Partners gather for global expert forum in Asia

UNAIDS Forum on HIV, Human Rights and Men Who Have Sex with Men

ICAAP 2009: Breaking down legal barriers and criminalization

Injecting drug users take central role in anti-stigma film
Advancing the sexual and reproductive health and human rights of people living with HIV
Experts call for strengthened legal services to fight HIV discrimination in Asia Pacific

ECOSOC adopts resolution on UNAIDS
UNAIDS welcomes US proposal to remove entry restrictions based on HIV status of individuals

Landmark Delhi High Court decision recognizes inappropriate criminalization as a barrier to health, human rights and dignity
UNAIDS welcomes historic decision by Delhi High Court to annul the law that criminalizes adult homosexual relations
UN Secretary-General, World AIDS Campaign and UNAIDS launch World AIDS Day theme of ‘Universal Access and Human Rights’

Anti-homophobia campaign to end discrimination in Latin America
Statement by Mr Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS, on occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, 17 May
AIDS responses failing men who have sex with men and transgender populations

International Day against Homophobia