Strengthening and expanding HIV legal services

'Never abandon, never give up’: ILO film helps China’s migrant workers challenge AIDS stigma
UNAIDS expresses concern over decision by Burundian National Assembly to criminalize same sex relations
UNAIDS welcomes the release of nine men in Senegal imprisoned for their sexual orientation

ILO: Action against stigma brings hope to Ethiopia’s agricultural cooperatives

El Salvador: Ministerial decree to reduce homophobia in health services

Greater action needed to protect women’s inheritance and property rights in the face of HIV
Senators in Burundi uphold rights of men who have sex with men
UNAIDS and broad coalition working towards the release of nine men who have sex with men in Senegal who have been convicted and imprisoned

HIV prevention hampered by homophobia

Guyana launches national ‘faith-and-HIV’ coalition

New generation of health and human rights advocates inspired by Dr Jonathan Mann

ICASA 2008: Social change needed to reduce HIV risk and vulnerability

ICASA 2008: First Ladies of Africa speak out on stigma
Criminalization of sexual behavior and transmission of HIV hampering AIDS responses

HIV, Health and Human Rights: The Legacy of Jonathan Mann Today

“Artists Against AIDS” help fight stigma and discrimination in Russia

"What role can the law play?"

Verdict on a Virus: Public Health, Human Rights and Criminal Law
Advocating against overly-broad application of criminal law to HIV transmission

Justice Edwin Cameron adds a new dimension to China - Africa relations

Faces against HIV stigma and discrimination

People Living with HIV Stigma Index

When red ribbon meets Olympics
UNAIDS expresses concern over the safety of three Ugandans arrested during an international AIDS conference

Third meeting of the International Task Team on HIV-related Travel Restrictions

Strong HIV and Human Rights Activist appointed as new UN Special Rapporteur
UNAIDS mourns the death of prominent AIDS activist Wellington Solomon Adderly

Eurovision stars light candles to dispel discrimination
Statement of the UNAIDS Secretariat to the Sixty-First World Health Assembly - Health of Migrants

International Day against Homophobia

Leadership and AIDS: Gregg Gonsalves

Human rights and gender in HIV-related legal frameworks

HIV-related travel restrictions
UNAIDS and OHCHR call for greater protection of the human rights of all persons regardless of sexual orientation or HIV status
El ONUSIDA y el ACNUDH piden que mejore la protección de los derechos humanos de todas las personas, sin distinción de su orientación sexual o su estado serológico respecto del VIH
UNAIDS working with Egyptian authorities regarding HIV related arrests
Human rights and universal access
World Bank Seeks Innovative Ideas to Fight HIV and AIDS Stigma and Discrimination in South Asia
Statement by UNAIDS Executive Director Human Rights Day, 10 December 2007

Princess Stephanie of Monaco visits Madagascar
Concern over Criminalization of HIV Transmission
UNAIDS and OHCHR express concern at reports of violence against people living with HIV in Papua New Guinea and supports the Government's call to investigate
UNAIDS calls for renewed vigour on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific
UNAIDS encouraged by decision by Libya’s High Judicial Council to revoke death penalty for health care professionals
UNAIDS expresses serious concern over the decision by the Supreme Court of Libya to uphold the death penalty for health care professionals

Planting trees for AIDS in China
UNAIDS condemns violence against peaceful gay rights activists
Day against homophobia

International Day Against Homophobia