UNAIDS stands together with communities on Zero Discrimination Day

AIDS is at a crossroads: Take the rights path on Human Rights Day to end AIDS

AIDS is at a crossroads: Take the rights path on Human Rights Day to end AIDS

Global celebrities unite behind UNAIDS’ call for world leaders to “take the rights path to end AIDS”
Christoforos Mallouris: From personal struggle to collective strength
Evelyn Siula: A journey of strength and solidarity

New Asia Pacific healthcare provider toolkit serves people having chemsex

Peru approves groundbreaking law to extend health coverage for migrants with HIV and TB

Can this innovation change the way people think about HIV?

UNAIDS statement on anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in Georgia

UNAIDS statement on anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in Georgia

Women living with HIV continue to face violations of their sexual and reproductive rights—including coercion into sterilization

Decriminalization of LGBTQ+ people saves lives

Decriminalization of LGBTQ+ people saves lives

A transformative journey: Parisa's decades-long battle against HIV stigma and discrimination

UNAIDS welcomes the adoption of a key HIV resolution by the Human Rights Council

UNAIDS applauds Namibian High Court's decision to declare unconstitutional the law that had criminalised same-sex relationships

UNAIDS applauds Namibian High Court's decision to declare unconstitutional the law that had criminalised same-sex relationships

UNAIDS applauds Namibian High Court's decision to declare unconstitutional the law that had criminalised same-sex relationships

UNAIDS stands with LGBTQ+ communities worldwide as PRIDE celebrations get underway

UNAIDS calls for the protection of human rights on the International Day to End Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT)

UNAIDS calls for the protection of human rights on the International Day to End Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT)

UNAIDS calls for the protection of human rights on the International Day to End Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT)

UNAIDS expresses deep concern over the passing of new anti-LGBT legislation in Iraq

UNAIDS expresses deep concern over the passing of new anti-LGBT legislation in Iraq

UNAIDS expresses deep concern over the passing of new anti-LGBT legislation in Iraq

UNAIDS expresses deep concern over the passing of new anti-LGBT legislation in Iraq

UNAIDS welcomes Court’s ruling to protect the rights of LGBTQ people in Dominica

UNAIDS welcomes Court’s ruling to protect the rights of LGBTQ people in Dominica

UNAIDS welcomes Court’s ruling to protect the rights of LGBTQ people in Dominica

UNAIDS notes the judgment of the Constitutional Court of Uganda which has struck down certain parts of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023

UNAIDS notes the judgment of the Constitutional Court of Uganda which has struck down certain parts of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023

UNAIDS notes the judgment of the Constitutional Court of Uganda which has struck down certain parts of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023

UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima responds to the passage of the Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill in Ghana’s parliament

UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima responds to the passage of the Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values Bill in Ghana’s parliament

On the 10th anniversary of Zero Discrimination Day UNAIDS calls for the protection of human rights as a path to protecting health for all

On the 10th anniversary of Zero Discrimination Day UNAIDS calls for the protection of human rights as a path to protecting health for all

On the 10th anniversary of Zero Discrimination Day UNAIDS calls for the protection of human rights as a path to protecting health for all

Statement from UNAIDS on the decision of the High Court of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to uphold discriminatory and harmful laws

Statement from UNAIDS on the decision of the High Court of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to uphold discriminatory and harmful laws

Statement from UNAIDS on the decision of the High Court of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to uphold discriminatory and harmful laws

Countries take practical steps forward towards eliminating discrimination

UNAIDS Executive Director: let women and girls lead to protect and advance human rights globally

Tajikistan takes a positive step towards decriminalization of HIV exposure and transmission

Tajikistan takes a positive step towards decriminalization of HIV exposure and transmission

Seeking justice for HIV-related discrimination in the workplace in Guatemala

To protect everyone’s health, protect everyone’s rights

Executive Director of UNAIDS awarded ‘Most outspoken Ally of the Year’ for her work supporting the rights of marginalized communities

On World AIDS Day, UNAIDS, the European Union and partners call for an end to HIV-related stigma and discrimination

Ahead of World AIDS Day UNAIDS is calling for urgent support to Let Communities Lead in the fight to end AIDS