Feature Story

Solidarity with the global AIDS community at the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

01 May 2014

Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MTV Networks International Bill Roedy reached the top of Africa’s highest mountain on 12 April and demonstrated his solidarity with UNAIDS and global partners working in the AIDS response.

“We trekked through the huge temperature fluctuations and intense fog and sun radiation of the desert,” said Mr Roedy. “With your inspirational support and incredible generosity we successfully reached the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.”

“MTV brought a great opportunity for us to communicate with young people in an entertaining and meaningful manner. I am very proud that Mr Roedy continues to inspire young people and the world both in his professional and personal life,” said UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé.

Since 1996, MTV has had a long-standing partnership with UNAIDS and its Cosponsors. In 1998, MTV created the Staying Alive campaign—a multimedia global campaign against HIV.

The successes of the campaign led to the formation of the Staying Alive Foundation, which provides financial and technical support to young people working on innovative HIV prevention programmes on the ground and broadcasts original content to help spread HIV awareness around the world.

In May 2010, a three-part TV drama—Shuga—commissioned by MTV Networks Africa won a Gold award at the World Media Festival in Hamburg, Germany, in the Public Relations Health category. Shuga was based on a story about a group of young friends living in Nairobi, Kenya, and includes messages about HIV prevention for young people.

From the headquarters of MTV to the 120 km/hour winds of Mount Kilimanjaro, Mr Roedy continues to advocate for the response to HIV.

“Everybody experienced some form of altitude sickness. We battled through vomiting, tears, windburn, knee pain, freezing cold hands and feet and complete exhaustion at the end, but somehow, we managed to reach Uhuru Peak, said Mr Roedy. “Having all of your support made all the difference.”