
African leaders unite in pledge to end AIDS in children

Tanzania commits to invest in secondary education as part of efforts to keep boys and girls free from HIV

By bringing an end to societal and economic inequalities, we can end AIDS in Tanzania

Coming together to address the cost of inequality

The COVID-19 pandemic and women living with HIV: Caroline Damiani

Tanzanian community-based organizations support women who use drugs

Sex work during COVID-19 in Tanzania

UNAIDS donates supplies and equipment to communities in Zanzibar

UNAIDS pays tribute to AIDS champion Benjamin William Mkapa, former President of the United Republic of Tanzania

United Republic of Tanzania lowers age of consent for HIV testing

Tanzanian and South African experts exchange expertise

Ireland to support HIV services for the most vulnerable in the United Republic of Tanzania

Pili movie focuses on the universal aim for a better life

A champion for screening and treating cervical cancer among women living with HIV

Turning community action into results
A fearless voice for adolescents living with HIV
UNAIDS urges United Republic of Tanzania to implement HIV Prevention 2020 Road Map

UNAIDS International Goodwill Ambassador Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway visits the United Republic of Tanzania

Insights, advances and partnerships to reach key populations in Africa

Closing the HIV testing gap in southern and eastern Africa

Closing the HIV testing gap in eastern and southern Africa

Success with PrEP: next steps to support policy decisions in southern and eastern Africa

Africa Rising: leaders meet to discuss sustainable development that leaves no one behind

Solidarity with the global AIDS community at the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro

UNAIDS pledges support to networks of women living with HIV to advance cervical cancer programmes

New initiative launched to deliver better, cheaper medicines to Africa

Country ownership and capacity development central in moving forward the response to AIDS

Dairy cooperative in Tanzania is helping rural women to help themselves

Innovative project in Tanzania places young people at the centre of HIV responses

Joint mission highlights successes and challenges in Tanzania’s AIDS response

UNDP’s Administrator Helen Clark concludes four-country Africa tour

Addressing the HIV-related needs of “people on the move”

Supporting young learners living with HIV in Namibia and Tanzania

Carrying the Olympic flame for PLHIV in Tanzania
UN Executive Directors and HRH Princess Mathilde of Belgium encourage more action to address impact of AIDS on children and young people in Tanzania

UNAIDS and partners launch ‘living positively’ book in Tanzania
Notes for press briefing by Stephen Lewis, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, on his recent trips to Malawi and Tanzania, United Nations, New York: 12:30 PM, Tuesday, January 18, 2005