We can remove punitive laws, policies, practices, stigma and discrimination that block effective responses to HIV
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We can remove punitive laws, policies, practices, stigma and discrimination that block effective responses to HIV
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Statement by UNAIDS Executive Director on the occasion of International Day Against Homophobia
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Speech by UNAIDS Executive Director: Pragmatism vs. Punishment: The Case for Harm Reduction
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The impact of HIV-related restrictions on entry, stay and residence: an annotated bibliography
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The impact of HIV-related restrictions on entry, stay and residence: an annotated bibliography
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The impact of HIV-related restrictions on entry, stay and residence: an annotated bibliography
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"AIDS and gender equality: a time for new paradigms" - Speech by Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director - Opening of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 53rd Session, 2 March 2009
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"Why we need harm reduction to reach universal access goals" - Speech by Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS, 28 January 2009.
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Men Having Sex with Men and Human Rights: The UNAIDS Perspective; Statement by Susan Timberlake, Senior Law and Human Rights Adviser, UNAIDS Secretariat, Geneva
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Campaña Mundial contra el SIDA 2002–2003- Marco conceptual y
base para la acción: estigma y discriminación relacionados con el VIH/SIDA
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base para la acción: estigma y discriminación relacionados con el VIH/SIDA

Poner al descubierto la epidemia de VIH/SIDA: orientaciones para fomentar la revelación beneficiosa, el asesoramiento ético de la pareja y el uso apropiado de la notificación de casos de VIH
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Informe del Equipo Internacional de Trabajo sobre Restricciones para Viajar relacionadas con el VIH
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Manual sobre el VIH y los derechos humanos para las Instituciones Nacionales de Derechos Humanos
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Circuncisión masculina segura, voluntaria e informada, y programación integral para la prevención del VIH
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Reducir el estigma y la discriminación por el VIH: una parte fundamental de los programas nacionales del sida
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Message from Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS, on the occasion of World AIDS Day “Universal Access and Human Rights”, 1 December 2009
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Informe del Equipo Internacional de Trabajo sobre Restricciones para Viajar relacionadas con el VIH
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