Criminalization of same-sex sexual relationships decreasing

Criminalization of same-sex sexual relationships decreasing

Criminalization of same-sex sexual relationships decreasing

Mr Gay England brings visibility to HIV stigma

Mapping HIV laws and policies

Mapping HIV laws and policies

Charting progress against discrimination

Charting progress against discrimination

Charting progress against discrimination

Charting progress against discrimination

No end to AIDS without respecting human rights

No end to AIDS without respecting human rights

UNAIDS and UNDP call on 48* countries and territories to remove all HIV-related travel restrictions

UNAIDS and UNDP call on 48* countries and territories to remove all HIV-related travel restrictions

UNAIDS and UNDP call on 48* countries and territories to remove all HIV-related travel restrictions

Deported, denied access, discriminated against because of their HIV status

Deported, denied access, discriminated against because of their HIV status

Deported, denied access, discriminated against because of their HIV status

HIV prevention for all at the 2nd European Games 2019 in Minsk

HIV prevention for all at the 2nd European Games 2019 in Minsk

UNAIDS welcomes the decision of the Constitutional Court of Colombia to strike down the section of the criminal code criminalizing HIV transmission

UNAIDS welcomes the decision of the Constitutional Court of Colombia to strike down the section of the criminal code criminalizing HIV transmission

UNAIDS welcomes the decision of the Constitutional Court of Colombia to strike down the section of the criminal code criminalizing HIV transmission

UNAIDS welcomes the decision of the High Court of Botswana to repeal laws that criminalize and discriminate against LGBT people

UNAIDS welcomes the decision of the High Court of Botswana to repeal laws that criminalize and discriminate against LGBT people

“Be the change”: creating a voice for male sex workers in Malawi

UNAIDS deeply regrets the decision of the High Court of Kenya to maintain laws that criminalize and discriminate against LGBT people

The road to equality for LGBTI people in India

The road to equality for LGBTI people in India

The road to equality for LGBTI people in India

Model Drug Law for West Africa presented to ministers of health on the sidelines of the 72nd session of the World Health Assembly

UNAIDS calls on countries to remove discriminatory laws and enact laws that protect people from discrimination

UNAIDS calls on countries to remove discriminatory laws and enact laws that protect people from discrimination

UNAIDS and the LGBT Foundation launch groundbreaking study on happiness, sex and quality of life for LGBTI people

UNAIDS and the LGBT Foundation launch groundbreaking study on happiness, sex and quality of life for LGBTI people

UNAIDS and UN Women working together in Malawi

Women lead to reduce the impact of HIV and gender-based violence in the Middle East and North Africa

Women lead to reduce the impact of HIV and gender-based violence in the Middle East and North Africa

UNAIDS and the United Nations Population Fund urge the Government of Brunei Darussalam to repeal new discriminatory and harmful criminal law provisions

UNAIDS and the United Nations Population Fund urge the Government of Brunei Darussalam to repeal new discriminatory and harmful criminal law provisions

UNAIDS and the United Nations Population Fund urge the Government of Brunei Darussalam to repeal new discriminatory and harmful criminal law provisions

Landmark international guidelines launched on human rights and drug policy

Landmark international guidelines launched on human rights and drug policy

On International Women’s Day, UNAIDS calls for greater action to protect young women and adolescent girls

On International Women’s Day, UNAIDS calls for greater action to protect young women and adolescent girls
Turning words into action for gender equality

UNAIDS urges action to change discriminatory laws in order to restore dignity and respect and save lives

UNAIDS urges action to change discriminatory laws in order to restore dignity and respect and save lives

How discriminatory Caribbean laws are being challenged in the courts

How discriminatory Caribbean laws are being challenged in the courts