HIV Prevention Choice Manifesto for Women and Girls in Africa launched

Future doctors take active role in HIV response to end AIDS

New report from UNAIDS shows that AIDS can be ended by 2030 and outlines the path to get there

New report from UNAIDS shows that AIDS can be ended by 2030 and outlines the path to get there

New report from UNAIDS shows that AIDS can be ended by 2030 and outlines the path to get there

How to build stigma-free key population services

How to build stigma-free key population services

The urgency of HIV prevention among adolescent girls and young women

How working with providers of natural and holistic medicine for complementary self-care techniques is helping Nicaragua increase adherence to HIV medicines and reduce new infections

UNAIDS alerts countries to an unprecedented opportunity to stop new HIV infections, end AIDS and prepare for future pandemics

Virtual course on HIV, gender and human rights: empowering medical teachers in Guatemala

UNAIDS calls for access to HIV prevention, treatment and care in prisons, including access to life saving harm reduction services

UNAIDS calls for access to HIV prevention, treatment and care in prisons, including access to life saving harm reduction services

Moldova expands harm reduction services to all prisons

Moldova expands harm reduction services to all prisons

UNAIDS welcomes the announcement by Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) and ViiV of three licenses signed with generic manufacturers for long-acting PrEP, and urges further urgent action by ViiV

UNAIDS welcomes the announcement by Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) and ViiV of three licenses signed with generic manufacturers for long-acting PrEP, and urges further urgent action by ViiV

African leaders unite in pledge to end AIDS in children

Pandemics can only be defeated if communities are supported to lead, say governments, NGOs and UN

The power of bringing together government and community HIV services

Thailand’s Mplus: HIV services delivered in style

Thailand’s Mplus: HIV services delivered in style

Preventing transmission and tackling stigma: The power of U=U

Inequalities are blocking the end of the AIDS pandemic, say UN

Dangerous inequalities and overcoming them

Delays in global, affordable access to long-acting, injectable HIV medicines would cost lives, say AIDS campaigners

UNAIDS urges Russia to repeal 'LGBTQ propaganda' law

Eastern Europe and Central Asia may face an accelerated increase in new HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths because of the humanitarian crisis gripping the entire region

With new infections 1 million higher than the 2020 target, UNAIDS and partners convene emergency meeting on HIV prevention

PrEParing for the next chapter of HIV prevention in Myanmar

PrEParing for the next chapter of HIV prevention in Myanmar

Successfully expanding the rollout of PrEP in Indonesia

Successfully expanding the rollout of PrEP in Indonesia

Pandemics are not fate: Concrete actions to tackle inequalities can overcome AIDS, Monkeypox and COVID-19

New global alliance launched to end AIDS in children by 2030

It is time to end AIDS in children once and for all: Global Alliance launched

Botswana leads the way for high HIV burden country certification on the path to eliminate vertical HIV transmission

A beacon of hope in Guatemala

UNAIDS and Africa CDC tackle misinformation around COVID-19 and HIV in Africa

Supporting HIV services for flood survivors in KwaZulu-Natal

Sustaining HIV services for people who use drugs in Odesa

Training health-care workers in Indonesia to improve HIV services for young key populations

Eastern Cape becomes the first South Africa province to campaign on U = U

UNAIDS Executive Director's Statement at the 65th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

“My life’s mission is to end stigma and discrimination, and that starts with U = U”: a story of HIV activism in Thailand

Identification of fast-spreading HIV variant provides evidence of urgency to halt the pandemic and reach all with testing and treatment
The importance of engagement of community organizations to ensure the sustainability of HIV services in eastern Europe and central Asia

One hundred and fifty thousand preventable new HIV infections among children in 2020

One hundred and fifty thousand preventable new HIV infections among children in 2020

Empowering people who inject drugs in Uganda