Pre-exposure prophylaxis use expands, but not fast enough

Pre-exposure prophylaxis use expands, but not fast enough

Love and condoms: broadcast on the importance of condoms in eastern Europe and central Asia

Love and condoms: broadcast on the importance of condoms in eastern Europe and central Asia

UNAIDS welcomes the approval of long-acting injectable cabotegravir as a pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention

UNAIDS welcomes the approval of long-acting injectable cabotegravir as a pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention

Co-creating a new global initiative to end AIDS among children, adolescents and their mothers

We need your thoughts and ideas on how to end AIDS among children, adolescents and mothers—new global online survey launched

Botswana is first country with severe HIV epidemic to reach key milestone in the elimination of mother-to-child HIV transmission

Forty years of AIDS: Equality remains central to quelling a still-potent epidemic

UNAIDS warns of millions of AIDS-related deaths and continued devastation from pandemics if leaders don’t address inequalities

Male circumcisions disrupted by COVID-19, fall short of the 2020 target

Condoms are a critical part of combination prevention

Condoms are a critical part of combination prevention

Race affecting HIV service provision in the United States of America

Race affecting HIV service provision in the United States of America

Summit concludes with a call for action to reinvent the response to the HIV pandemic and end AIDS in Western and Central Africa

Harm reduction services reduce new HIV infections

How to end the AIDS epidemic in western and central Africa

Five questions about the HIV response in the Gambia

Five questions about the HIV response in Nigeria

Bangkok Metropolitan Administration receives award for innovations on PrEP and key population-led services

Bangkok Metropolitan Administration receives award for innovations on PrEP and key population-led services

Bangkok Metropolitan Administration receives award for innovations on PrEP and key population-led services

Inequalities at the heart of uneven progress in the AIDS response

Community-based organizations call for scaled up Internet-based HIV prevention services in China

Decline in new HIV infections has stalled

Anambra, Nigeria, commits to eliminating vertical transmission of HIV by end of 2022

UNAIDS strongly supports calls for the rejection of draft law targeting LGBTI people in Ghana

UNAIDS welcomes Chile’s recognition of responsibility for violating the rights of a woman living with HIV sterilized without her consent

New report reveals stark inequalities in access to HIV prevention and treatment services for children—partners call for urgent action

2025 AIDS targets: the next generation of goals for the global AIDS response

UNAIDS report shows that people living with HIV face a double jeopardy, HIV and COVID-19, while key populations and children continue to be left behind in access to HIV services

UNDP and UNAIDS support more than 300 pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV in Abidjan

YouTube influencers campaign to increase PrEP uptake among Mandarin-speaking people in Australia

YouTube influencers campaign to increase PrEP uptake among Mandarin-speaking people in Australia

Report shows big COVID-19-related HIV prevention programme service disruptions, but highlights that HIV service innovations and adaptations are possible

Small steps towards a big goal

Global HIV Prevention Coalition reinforces the need for leadership and decisive action
First Lady of Côte d’Ivoire sponsors national consultation on paediatric HIV and tuberculosis

New global pledge to end all inequalities faced by communities and people affected by HIV towards ending AIDS

Forty years on and new UNAIDS report gives evidence that we can end AIDS

Integrated services and inclusion key to eliminating mother-to-child HIV transmission in Dominica

Community-led HIV services stepped up in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic

Pioneers of the harm reduction response in Uganda

Specialized medical waste management equipment for Republic of Moldova’s harm reduction programme

Joint mission supports the response to HIV in Gboklè/Nawa/San Pedro, Côte d'Ivoire

United Nations Secretary-General calls for a greater focus on ending inequalities to end AIDS

High rates of hepatitis C and HIV coinfection among key populations

Epidemiological Well-Being conference opens in Moscow