Press Statement

UNAIDS commends Ambassador Eric Goosby for his visionary leadership in the AIDS response

GENEVA, 7 November 2013—The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) expresses deep gratitude to Ambassador Eric Goosby for his outstanding work on the AIDS response as United States Global AIDS Coordinator and head of the Department of State’s Office of Global Health Diplomacy. Ambassador Goosby stepped down from his position on 1 November 2013.

“I would like to extend my personal thanks to Ambassador Goosby for helping to ensure that an AIDS-free generation is finally within our reach,” said Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “This has only been possible because of his progressive and bold leadership combined with his dedication to improving the lives of people living with and affected by HIV around the world.”

During his four and a half year term as U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, Ambassador Goosby led all U.S. Government international HIV efforts. Under his leadership the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan on AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) significantly expanded its HIV programmes around the world. At the end of 2012, in response to a request from former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Ambassador Goosby developed the PEPFAR Blueprint: Creating an AIDS-free Generation which charted a new course for how the U.S. could work with partners to scale-up smart investments. The Blueprint also emphasized shared responsibility—a concept that Ambassador Goosby advanced throughout his tenure as head of PEPFAR. Country ownership, a firm commitment to following the science and focusing on key populations are all among the many essential components of his legacy.

Ambassador Goosby and PEPFAR are longstanding partners of UNAIDS. In 2011, UNAIDS and PEPFAR spearheaded the launch of the Global Plan towards the Elimination of New HIV Infections among Children by 2015 and Keeping Their Mothers Alive which has rallied global support in stopping new HIV infections among children. In 2012, UNAIDS and PEPFAR undertook a joint mission to Nigeria to spotlight progress and challenges and in April this year, Ambassador Goosby joined UNAIDS in calling for the urgent global scale-up of access to antiretroviral treatment.

UNAIDS congratulates Ambassador Goosby for his passionate humanitarianism and is grateful for his visionary leadership that has positioned PEPFAR to make even more critical contributions towards reaching an AIDS-free generation.


The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners to maximize results for the AIDS response. Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.


Sophie Barton-Knott
tel. +41 22 791 1697

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