Feature Story
Improving data on key populations
14 March 2018
14 March 2018 14 March 2018UNAIDS has relaunched its Key Populations Atlas. The online tool that provides a range of information about members of key populations worldwide—sex workers, gay men and other men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, transgender people and prisoners—now includes new and updated information in a number of areas. And in addition to data on the five key populations, there are now data on people living with HIV.
Chief among the new data is information on punitive laws, such as denial of the registration of nongovernmental organizations, and on laws that recognize the rights of transgender people. The overhaul of the site was undertaken in consultation with representatives of civil society organizations, including the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, which supplied some of the new data on punitive laws.
Data on the number of users of Hornet—a gay social network—in various countries has been made available for the atlas by the developers of Hornet, while Harm Reduction International supplied information on the availability of harm reduction programmes in prisons.
“Having data on the people who are the most affected by HIV is vital to getting the right HIV services available at the right locations” said Michel Sidibé, the Executive Director of UNAIDS. “The Key Populations Atlas allows UNAIDS to share the information we have for the most impact.”
The Key Populations Atlas is a visualization tool that allows users to navigate country-specific subnational data on populations particularly vulnerable to HIV. Data are presented on, for example, HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs in 11 sites in Myanmar, key populations sizes, antiretroviral therapy coverage among gay men and other men who have sex with men in 13 sites in India and specific prevention services and preventive behaviours. Updated data on many indicators that were obtained through the Global AIDS Monitoring exercise undertaken in 2017 is now available on the website.
Over the coming weeks, information on people living with HIV will be expanded, with new indicators being added, and data from the 2018 Global AIDS Monitoring will be added when available later in the year.