
Chinese audio version of award-winning children’s book The bravest boy I know launched

07 March 2018

In commemoration of Zero Discrimination Day, the UNAIDS China Country Office has launched an audio adaptation of the award-winning children’s book The bravest boy I know.

The book tells the story of the heart-warming friendship between Xiao Ming, an eight-year-old living with HIV, and his best friend Xiao Li, sending the critical message that with treatment and support from families, friends and schools, children living with HIV can have a normal and happy childhood, and that children living with HIV have the right to a life free from discrimination, as other children do.

The audiobook was launched on 6 March in Beijing, China, by Huang Xiaoming, the renowned actor and UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador for China. The aim of the new audiobook is to disseminate the message of zero discrimination among a younger audience. A short video also catering to the needs of children comes with the audiobook, both of which are available to download for free.


“These are children who were born with HIV. They are young people yearning for a better future. The more I listen to their stories, the more I realize that discrimination like this could easily have happened to you and me.”

Huang Xiaoming UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador for China

“Discrimination will not disappear without actively addressing the ignorance, practices and beliefs that fuel it. Ending discrimination requires action from everyone.”

Pride Chigwedere Senior Policy and Strategy Adviser, UNAIDS

The bravest boy I know
