ECOSOC urges countries to Fast-Track the AIDS response
13 July 2017
13 July 2017 13 July 2017The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has adopted a resolution urging Member States to Fast-Track the AIDS response. They agreed to meet the 2020 milestones and targets as a prerequisite for ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 and to invest the necessary financial resources.
During a meeting on 7 July, Member States considered the significant progress and outstanding challenges in the AIDS response and the work of the Joint Programme, before adopting the resolution. The meeting was chaired by the ECOSOC Vice-President, Marie Chatardová, Ambassador of Czechia to the United Nations. Ghana and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Chair and Vice-Chair of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board, co-facilitated Member State negotiation of the resolution and introduced it to ECOSOC.
“The Joint Programme has continued to play a critical role in the HIV response and has adapted itself to the changing epidemic and international context. However, at this crucial moment, we are facing a worrying decrease in investments in the response, including investments in the Joint Programme. The resolution acknowledges the unique role of the Joint Programme as an example of a collaborative, multisectoral and inclusive approach in the response to a complex and multifaceted issue. It also stresses the need for the Joint Programme to continue to set the path for reform by revising and updating its operating model.”
“The Joint Programme is assisting countries to realize the commitments of the 2016 United Nations Political Declaration on Ending AIDS, through presence and support of the Joint Programme in more than 100 countries.”