Putting human rights at the centre of the AIDS response ahead of the 2016 United Nations High-Level Meeting on AIDS
05 October 2015
05 October 2015 05 October 2015At its thirtieth session, held in Geneva, Switzerland, the United Nations Human Rights Council took a significant step towards reaffirming that human rights are central to the AIDS response.
The Council adopted a resolution calling for a panel discussion to be held in March 2016 on the progress and challenges of human rights in the AIDS epidemic. The panel will also mark the twentieth anniversary of the International Guidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights.
The resolution calls for the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare a summary of the panel discussion for submission to the United Nations General Assembly next year, ahead of the High-Level Meeting on AIDS.
The resolution was submitted by Brazil, Colombia, Portugal and Thailand and was cosponsored by around 70 countries from all regions of the world.
“Ending the AIDS epidemic will not be possible without renewed attention to the human rights both of people living with HIV and of key populations. This resolution puts the UNAIDS vision of zero discrimination firmly onto the Human Rights Council agenda in the lead up to the United Nations High-Level Meeting on AIDS.”