Feature Story

Global scientific leaders explore strategies to achieve the 90-90-90 target

22 July 2015

Leading HIV researchers describing results from multiple clinical trials in sub-Saharan Africa report that innovative service delivery models are achieving results across the HIV treatment cascade that approach or exceed the 90–90–90 target.

Study results were presented at an all-day workshop hosted by the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and the Division of AIDS at the University of British Columbia, prior to the opening of the 8th International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Vancouver, Canada. The studies are being undertaken in a number of high-burden countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda and Zambia.

“These exceptional clinical trial results show yet again how innovation is driving progress in the AIDS response,” said UNAIDS Executive Director Michel Sidibé. “The results demonstrate that the 90–90–90 target is more than a dream. It is entirely feasible.”

Diane Havlir, of the University of California, San Francisco, presented interim results from the Sustainable East Africa Research for Community Health (SEARCH) trial in more than 30 rural communities in Kenya and Uganda. Having enrolled more than 334 000 people, the SEARCH trial is evaluating a multicomponent programme, including use of community-centred, multidisease campaigns to provide HIV testing and link HIV-positive individuals to immediate initiation of antiretroviral therapy.

At a population level, the SEARCH programme has achieved 90% knowledge of HIV status. Among participants living with HIV, more than 90% of people in Uganda and 83% in Kenya are receiving antiretroviral therapy. At 24 weeks, 92% of trial participants who have initiated antiretroviral therapy have achieved viral suppression.

Similarly encouraging, although preliminary, results were reported from the PopART trial by Richard Hayes of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Working in 21 communities, the trial is evaluating a combination HIV prevention package that includes repeated rounds of community-level HIV testing and immediate initiation of antiretroviral therapy for all people who are diagnosed HIV-positive. Among more than 115 000 community members enumerated in the trial, 90% of all men living with HIV and 92% of all women living with HIV were aware of their HIV status following the PopART programme. Among people with an HIV diagnosis, 62% of men and 65% of women were receiving antiretroviral therapy, highlighting the need to further strengthen linkage to care for people living with HIV. Data on rates of viral suppression among PopART participations will be available next year.

Max Essex, of the Harvard University School of Public Health, presented baseline findings for the Botswana Combination Prevention Protocol. Mr Essex and his colleagues have found that 79% of all people living with HIV in Botswana knew their HIV status as of mid-2015, 86% of adults who have been diagnosed with HIV were receiving antiretroviral therapy and 96% of people receiving antiretroviral therapy had achieved viral suppression.

Comparably impressive results have been achieved by a Médicins Sans Frontières (MSF) programme in the District of Chiradzulu in Malawi, according to David Maman of MSF. In Chiradzulu, 77% of all people living with HIV know their HIV status, 84% of people with an HIV diagnosis are receiving antiretroviral therapy and 91% of people receiving antiretroviral therapy have achieved viral suppression.

François Dabis, of the Bordeaux School of Public Health, described preliminary results from a separate trial in the Hlabisa district in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, of a test-and-treat initiative that includes six-month rounds of community-level testing and establishment of antiretroviral treatment sites in all communities in the study. Among more than 26 000 people in the study communities, 85% know their HIV status. Among HIV-diagnosed people reached by the programme, 86% are receiving antiretroviral therapy. Study results indicate that linkage to care remains suboptimal and an important focus of further work and innovation.

Several important themes emerged from these study findings. Researchers emphasized the importance and value of engaging and collaborating with local communities in developing programme approaches tailored to local needs and circumstances. Most of the studies have also taken multidisciplinary approaches to the development, monitoring and evaluation of programmes, involving social scientists, economists and community representatives as well as clinicians and biostatisticians.