ICASA celebrates World AIDS Day
02 December 2015
02 December 2015 02 December 2015UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director Luiz Loures joined representatives of key populations, people living with HIV, African political leaders and other dignitaries in a special event to commemorate World AIDS Day during the 18th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, which is taking place in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The theme of the event was “Getting to zero in Africa—Africa’s responsibility, everyone’s responsibility.” Speakers described the progress that had been made against HIV since World AIDS Day was first marked in 1988, while stressing the need to Fast-Track the response to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 and the importance of leaving no one behind.
Young people entertained the audience with a series of performances, including poems, dances and a special World AIDS Day song.
Earlier in the day, the African Union held a World AIDS Day event calling for renewed action to end the epidemics of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria by 2030, with a number of ministers and parliamentarians from leading African countries in attendance. In her keynote address, the Vice-President of Zambia, Inonge Wina, called on parliamentarians to emphasize the key role of policy-makers in ensuring sustained funding for the response to AIDS and in creating an enabling legal environment, particularly for women.
“I am the mother of a beautiful little girl who was born free from HIV thanks to antiretroviral medicines. I am so grateful that my daughter is happy and healthy. I encourage everyone to get tested and to adhere to their treatment.”
“On our continent, AIDS has the face of a woman. We cannot end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 if we do not empower our mothers, sisters and children.”
“We are voices in places where language is a barrier, so we speak about HIV and all related issues through music—we use music as a tool to fight against HIV and discrimination.”
The goal of zero new HIV infections, zero AIDS-related deaths and zero discrimination can only be achieved through strong leadership at all levels and through the inclusion of key populations.”
“Sex workers, gay men and other men who have sex with men, transgender people, people who use drugs, people living with HIV, people with disabilities—it is only through solidarity and leaving no one behind that we can end the AIDS epidemic.”
“We all share responsibility to end the epidemic and eliminate HIV as a public health threat. Together, we can create a far different future. One that delivers life-saving services and drives transformational change for mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and children, who deserve an AIDS-free future.”