Feature Story
Dialogue on Universal Access Report 2009 released
23 July 2009
23 July 2009 23 July 2009
Credit: UNAIDS
When the Executive Director of UNAIDS took office he called for a renewed commitment to universal access. From January to May 2009, a transition team led by Norwegian AIDS Ambassador Sigrun Mogedal engaged in a process of consultations and dialogue with key partners and stakeholders in the HIV response to obtain insight on where UNAIDS should focus its efforts in helping countries achieve universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.
More than a thousand people were consulted in this extensive exercise, from Programme Coordinating Board (PCB) members, UNAIDS Cosponsors, to The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, civil society partners, including people living with HIV, the private sector and foundations.
Ambassador Mogedal fostered open dialogue during the transition. For her enormous contribution I am very grateful. The information gathered by the Dialogue process gives valuable insights to the organization as we move forward
Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director
“Ambassador Mogedal fostered open dialogue during the transition. For her enormous contribution I am very grateful,” said Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director. “The information gathered by the Dialogue process gives valuable insights to the organization as we move forward,” he added.
The wide consultative process enabled invaluable exchanges of opinions. The report Dialogue on Universal Access 2009 highlights the main findings and proposes a number of areas of focus and recommendations for UNAIDS to lead a more effective AIDS response.
The information gathered from the consultations became a primary source of inputs for the UNAIDS Outcome Framework: Joint Action for Results 2009–2011, which provides guidance for Cosponsors and the Secretariat.
Visit the e-Dialogue website to access weekly discussions, resources and consultation documentation,