Feature Story

European AIDS Conference 2007

11 March 2007

Representatives of 27 European Union and neighbouring countries met in Bremen, Germany to discuss ways of strengthening political leadership in the response to AIDS. Over 600 people attended the conference which was organised by the German Federal Government as part of its 2007 European Union Presidency. UNAIDS Executive Director Dr Peter Piot spoke on the opening day about the epidemic in the region and actions necessary to curb the epidemic. The second day of the Conference included workshops covering many key aspects of the AIDS response in the region including presentations on human rights, migration, stigma, gender and issues concerning sex work, injecting drug use and men who have sex with men.

20070314_PP_Merkel_350.jpgUNAIDS Executive Director, Dr.Peter Piot talks to Ms. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany at the 2007 European AIDS Conference in Bremen, Germany, 12-13 March 2007.

20070315_Merkel_250.jpgMs. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany during her speech at the 2007 European AIDS Conference in Bremen, Germany, 12-13 March 2007.

20070314_PPstage_350.jpgUNAIDS Executive Director, Dr. Peter Piot during his speech at the 2007 European AIDS Conference in Bremen, Germany, 12-13 March 2007

20070314_Ulla_350.jpgMs. Ulla Schmitt, Germany's Federal Minister of Health at the closing press conference of the European AIDS Conference in Bremen, Germany. 12-13 March 2007

20070314_PPstand_350.jpgUNAIDS Executive Director, Dr. Peter Piot visiting the UNAIDS stand with Her Highness Begum Aga Khan and Germany's Federal Minister of Health, Ms. Ulla Schmitt at the 2007 European AIDS Conference in Bremen, Germany. 12-13 March 2007.

20070314_PPUkraine_350.jpgUNAIDS Executive Director, Dr. Peter Piot met with the Ukranian Minister of Health, Mr. Yuyi Poliachenko at the 2007 European AIDS Conference in Bremen, Germany. 12-13 March 2007

20070314_kevin_350.jpgMr. Kevin De Cock, Director of the department of HIV/AIDS at the World Health Organisation at a workshop on the role of the European Union and the European States in the world-wide fight against AIDS, during the 2007 European AIDS Conference. 12-13 March 2007

20070314_ILO_350.jpgMs. Sophia Kistling, Director of the International Labour Organisation's programme on AIDS at a workshop on the role of the European Union and the European States in the world-wide fight against AIDS, during the 2007 European AIDS Conference. 12-13 March 2007

20070314_nina_ferencic_350.jpgMs. Nina Ferencic, UNICEF's Regional Advisor for AIDS in Central and Eastern Europe at a workshop on cross-border cooperation in Europe during the 2007 European AIDS Conference in Bremen, Germany. 12-13 March 2007

20070314_WorldBank_350.jpgMs. Dorothee Eckertz, World Bank Operations officer, speaking on lessons learned in harm reduction in the wider european neighbourhood at a workshop on human rights during the 2007 European AIDS Conference.

All photo credit: N.Wolff


Read more
Read UNAIDS Executive Director's speech (pdf, 41 Kb)
Read German Federal Chancellor's speech (de)