Feature Story

Responsibility and Partnership – Together against HIV/AIDS

11 March 2007

UNAIDS Executive Director Dr. Peter Piot with Ms. Angela Merkel,
Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany

The northern city of Bremen is the setting chosen by the German Federal Government to host the conference of the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union: “Responsibility and Partnership – Together Against HIV/AIDS”.

Germany has convened the conference as part of efforts to fulfil its pledge of making AIDS its top health priority during Germany’s European Union Presidency in 2007. The German Government has recently reaffirmed this commitment by announcing 400 Million Euros in 2007 for its action plan on AIDS.

The conference, taking place from 12-13 March, is expected to attract over 600 people from around Europe including ministers and representatives from 27 European and neighbouring countries. German Federal Chancellor, Dr Angela Merkel will give the keynote address and UNAIDS Executive Director Dr Peter Piot will speak on the opening day about the epidemic in the region and actions necessary to curb the epidemic.

The conference comes as a follow-up to the 2004 meetings in Dublin and Vilnius where groundbreaking declarations to step up political action on AIDS were signed by participating European ministers.

The second day of the Conference will comprise of workshops covering many key aspects of the AIDS response in the region including presentations on human rights, migration, stigma, gender and issues concerning sex work, injecting drug use and men who have sex with men.

UNAIDS Executive Director Dr. Peter Piot with Germany's
Federal Minister of Health, Ms. Ulla Schmitt


At the close of the conference the attending ministers of health are expected to sign a declaration reaffirming the commitments made in Dublin and Vilnius in a bid to increasing political leadership on AIDS on national, regional and international levels.

UNAIDS is currently coordinating a review of the 2004 meetings which the German Ministry of health is supporting financially, having recently announced 400,000 Euros for initiation of the project.

“ Germany is a valued partner of UNAIDS,” said Bertil Lindblad, UNAIDS Regional Director for Europe. “This is an important year for Germany as holders of both the EU and G8 Presidencies and its commitment to making AIDS its top health priority is not only a commendable decision but a truly necessary one.”


Read UNAIDS Executive Director's speech
Read German Federal Chancellor's speech (de)
View photo gallery
Visit official website
Visit Germany 2007 - Presidency of the European Union website
Read International Labour Organisation's feature -  HIV/AIDS and the European workplace: Bringing the fight against AIDS to the shopfloor
Read Germany's Federal Government story