Organization of the 2016 high-level meeting on HIV/AIDS
22 January 2016
The General Assembly ... 1. Decides to convene a high-level meeting from 8 to 10 June 2016, which will undertake a comprehensive review of the progress achieved in realizing the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the Political Declarations on HIV/AIDS of 2006, and 2011, including successes, best practices, lessons learned, obstacles and gaps, challenges and opportunities, including with regard to partnership and cooperation, and recommendations to guide and monitor the HIV/AIDS response beyond 2015, including concrete strategies for action to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as well as to promote the continued commitment and engagement of leaders to accelerate a comprehensive universal and integrated response to HIV/AIDS; ...
High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS
16 June 2016
Bold commitments to action made at the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS

10 June 2016
Global HIV advocates gather to discuss #whatwomenwant in the next phase of the response to HIV

10 June 2016
Urgent need to strengthen community health systems to achieve the 90–90–90 treatment target

10 June 2016
Leaving no one behind: ending stigma and discrimination through social justice and inclusive societies

09 June 2016