UNAIDS Expert Consultation on Behaviour Change Report
30 April 2007
UNAIDS convened an expert consultation on Behaviour Change in the Prevention of Sexual Transmission of HIV in collaboration with the US Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator on 25-26 September 2006. 26 experts from 17 countries joined UNAIDS for the consultation to reconsider the state of knowledge about behaviour change measures for the prevention of sexual transmission of HIV. The objective of the meeting was to create a forum for dialogue about the evidence and the priorities to prevent sexual transmission, to pinpoint a few concrete barriers to behaviour change that can be overcome, and to seek a practical way forward to innovate and test or expand some promising new approaches to behavioural change.
How the shift in US funding is threatening both the lives of people affected by HIV and the community groups supporting them

18 February 2025
Impact of community-led and community-based HIV service delivery beyond HIV: case studies from eastern and southern Africa
30 January 2025