Discrimination is often based on misinformation or fear of the unknown. By reflecting on people in everyday situations, on Zero Discrimination Day, 1 March, UNAIDS is challenging people to recognize where everyday discrimination takes place and to take action to stop it.
This year’s Zero Discrimination Day campaign invites people to ask themselves “What if …” and to reflect upon their own actions.
“We will not achieve our vision for health or realize any of the Sustainable Development Goals if we do not confront discrimination.”
Michel Sidibé, UNAIDS Executive Director
Discrimination is often based on misinformation or fear of the unknown. By looking at people in everyday situations, on Zero Discrimination Day, 1 March, UNAIDS is challenging people to recognize where everyday discrimination takes place and to take action to stop it.
No one should ever be discriminated against because of their HIV status, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, language, geographical location or migrant status, or for any other reason. Zero Discrimination for all, 1 March.
Discrimination based on sexual orientation is a violation of human rights. Zero Discrimination.