Social media
How do we ensure all children are born HIV-free? Join the discussion on 23/05 @ 12:45 #WHA69 [Link to image, tag @licastillo31, @PrimeraDamaPma and @UNAIDS]
To end AIDS, we must empower young women & girls. Join the discussion on 23/05, 12:45 #WHA69 [Link to image, tag @UNAIDS, @licastillo31 and @PrimeraDamaPma]
All pregnant women living w/HIV must have access to ART. Learn more on 23/05 @ 12:45: #WHA69 [Link to image, tag @UNAIDS, @licastillo31 and @PrimeraDamaPma]
Celebrate leadership of #women in health & development. Watch live on 23/05 at 12:45: #WHA69 [Link to save the date, tag @UNAIDS, @licastillo31 and @PrimeraDamaPma]
The role of health in enabling gender parity & economic equity. On 23/05 at 12:45: #WHA69 [Link to save the date, tag @UNAIDS, @licastillo31 and @PrimeraDamaPma]
Empowering women & girls means empowering the HIV response. Join us on 23/05 @ 12:45: #WHA69 [Link to save the date, tag @UNAIDS and @michelsidibe]
We must promote sexual & rep. health services for all women. More on 23/05 @ 12:45: #WHA69 [Link to save the date, tag @UNAIDS and @michelsidibe]
Advancing #women’s rights & gender equality is key to #endingAIDS. Join the discussion via @periscopeco. #WHA69 [Link to save the date, tag @UNAIDS, @licastillo31 and @PrimeraDamaPma]