
Upholding dignity for everyone: Ariadne Ribeiro Ferreira

Experts back G20 action to tackle pandemics by addressing the inequalities which drive them and by boosting production of medicines in every region of the world

UNAIDS Executive Director and Inequality Council urge G20 to back bold network on medicine production and address the social determinants of pandemics

Brazil hosts the announcement of the Global Council on Inequality, AIDS and Pandemics

Brazil announces its commitment to the global initiative against HIV-related stigma and discrimination

In Northeast Brazil, civil society and local government collaborate to increase HIV treatment adherence

The First Fallen but We Will Overcome

Generating income from rag dolls in Brazil—helping women living with HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic

Unboxing self-esteem among transgender women in Brazil and their dreams for a dignified life

Helping to break stigma and discrimination against transgender people in Brazil

Encouraging income generation and social entrepreneurship by people living with HIV in Brazil

The humanitarian activist supporting Venezuelan migrants living with HIV in Brazil

Promoting gender equality in Brazil step by step

Putting HIV prevention back at the centre of Brazil’s LGBTI pride
Two decades of engagement in the response to HIV in Brazil

Empowering young Brazilians to talk to their peers about HIV

Traversing rivers and jungles to reach indigenous peoples in remote parts of Brazil
Globo Television visits UNAIDS following Emmy Kids nomination

Globo–UNAIDS original series on young serodiscordant couple is among nominees for the Emmy Kids 2017

Universal access to top-of-the-line medication in Brazil

Young influencers debate HIV and discrimination in Brazil

UNAIDS and Globo launch new Internet web series on serodiscordant couples

UNAIDS works with Globo Television to reduce new HIV infections among young people in Brazil

BRICS health ministers adopt the UNAIDS Fast-Track strategy to end the AIDS epidemic

Actor Mateus Solano named as UNAIDS National Goodwill Ambassador

President of Brazil joins the UNAIDS’ Protect the Goal campaign
UNAIDS Protect the Goal campaign kicks-off in Brazil

Brazil: A model against discrimination

UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director visits specialized health facility for transvestites and transsexuals

Brazil’s Minister of Health on country’s new innovative HIV initiative

Brazil pioneers treatment for everyone

UNAIDS and Municipality of Salvador in the State of Bahia sign an agreement to promote HIV prevention campaign

International consultation focuses on access to HIV medicines for middle-income countries

Rio+20: The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
International football ace Ronaldinho to raise AIDS awareness among young people

Brazil’s Minister of Health and UNAIDS Executive Director discuss strategic collaboration opportunities
President of Brazil receives UNAIDS leadership award

UNAIDS delegation in Brazil builds awareness around HIV prevention

Power of words: Brazil LGBT launch guide for media

Brazil post offices join Global HIV Awareness Campaign

“Just like you” video campaign against stigma and prejudice launched in Brazil

Brazilian national Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Association awarded consultative status to the UN

UNODC and Brazil promote action on AIDS in prison settings

UNAIDS Executive Director meets with Brazilian Government and civil society

Brazilian children’s society offers a home from home for children living with HIV

UNAIDS Executive Director meets with TB Programme Managers, TB civil society

Need for scale up in integrated TB and HIV screening to address linked epidemics

TB/HIV, universal access, and human rights key items on UNAIDS Executive Director’s agenda in Brazil

HIV prevention hampered by homophobia