UNAIDS calls for scaled-up action to find a vaccine for HIV

HP01 box number 4

Towards a free and equal world

Millions of people live in fear and isolation because of their sexual orientation and gender identity.
Challenges by the numbers

28 600 000 people are in need of treatment in 2013 (around 34% had access)
AIDS by the numbers

9 700 000 people are accessing treatment but every hour 50 young women are newly infected with HIV.
AIDS by the numbers

By the end of 2012, some 9.7 million people in low- and middle-income countries were accessing antiretroviral therapy, an increase of nearly 20% in just one year.
AIDS by the numbers

New HIV infections among adults and children were estimated at 2.3 million in 2012, a 33% reduction since 2001. New HIV infections among children have been reduced to 260000 in 2012, a reduction of 52% since 2001. AIDS-related deaths have also dropped by 30% since the peak in 2005 as access to antiretroviral treatment expands.
Do you know your HIV status?

Percentage of women and men aged 15-49 who received an HIV test in the last 12 months and received their results. Source: Demographic and Health Surveys www.measuredhs.com
The treatment gap in low- and middle-income countries

Antiretroviral therapy reached 8 million people by the end of 2011, a twenty-fold increase since 2003. In 2011, for the first time, a majority (54%) of people eligible for antiretroviral therapy in low- and middle-income countries were receiving it. This chart shows the gap in 2011 between the number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy and the number of people eligible for treatment. Source: UNAIDS 2012 Global Report