Sexual transmission of HIV
Take the rights path to end AIDS — World AIDS Day report 2024
26 November 2024
The world’s decades-long response to HIV is at an inflection point. Despite successes, the world is currently not on track to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. Press release | Download full report | Download short version
U=U can help end HIV stigma and discrimination. Here’s how

27 February 2025
How the shift in US funding is threatening both the lives of people affected by HIV and the community groups supporting them

18 February 2025

Feature Story
New Asia Pacific healthcare provider toolkit serves people having chemsex
13 November 2024
13 November 2024 13 November 2024Life became chaotic for Poon early. (Not his real name.)
As a gay teenager he was bullied at school by students and teachers. He moved in with his grandparents when his parents separated, but eventually left northern Thailand for Bangkok. There he survived through sex work.
Then Poon learned he was living with HIV. The weight of HIV prejudice merged with the stigma he already carried as a young gay man and sex worker. Some friends he made at a camp disclosed his HIV status online after an argument. He was diagnosed with major depressive disorder.
A partner introduced him to drug-use during sex. He went on to use multiple substances including methamphetamines and cocaine.
“Sex, drugs and alcohol are my escape,” he said.
This was one of the stories shared at the 6th Asia Pacific Chemsex Symposium (APCS). Held in Bangkok on November 6 and 7, the event brought together over 300 stakeholders from 27 countries. They shared their research and responses to a practice that remains largely hidden and not yet well understood. The event specifically explored pleasure as opposed to risk as an entry point for providing services.
Chemsex—also called High Fun in several Asian countries—refers to the use of stimulant drugs during sexual activity. It lowers inhibitions and may increase risk-taking. There are several public health implications including higher rates of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), lower adherence to treatment, overdose and the fallout linked with intoxication.
In Asia Pacific four of every five new HIV infections are among people from key population communities including men who have sex with men or MSM, people who use drugs, people in prisons or other closed settings, sex workers and transgender people. Young people make up a quarter of all new HIV infections and in some countries around half of new infections are among youth ages 15 to 24.
Several countries in the region are facing an HIV prevention crisis with new infections among MSM either increasing or decreasing far too slowly. In 2023, 43% of new infections in Asia-Pacific were among MSM. At the same time, there is evidence that the practice of chemsex in this community ranges from 3% to 31% depending on the country. But although chemsex is most visible in the MSM community, it is practiced by people from all populations.
“We are talking about sex and drugs—two topics that people call taboo,” said Brigitte Quenum, UNAIDS Regional Team Lead for Sciences, Systems and Services at the opening ceremony. “But as HIV has taught us, to reach people, we must confront the realities of their lives.”
Toolkit now available for Asia Pacific health workers
On day 2 of the symposium UNAIDS and UNODC launched the first-ever toolkit on chemsex for Asia Pacific clinical service providers. The toolkit was developed by the Australian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM). It is geared toward health workers in Asia and the Pacific working with men who have sex with men and transgender women.
"The increasing use of stimulant drugs in the region, including for ‘Chemsex’, poses significant health risks, including drug use disorders and various psychosocial challenges," said Masood Karimipour, Regional Representative of UNODC’s Office for Southeast Asia and the Pacific. "This UNAIDS-UNODC toolkit provides essential guidance for healthcare providers to address these challenges through evidence-based interventions. It emphasizes the importance of holistic, non-judgmental care that prioritizes the physical, psychological and social wellbeing of individuals, while ensuring access to harm reduction services and the prevention and treatment of drug use disorders within a comprehensive continuum of care."
The resource was created to support comprehensive clinical services in the region’s restrictive legal environments. Twenty-eight countries in Asia Pacific criminalise drug possession for personal use while 17 criminalise same-sex relations. Penalties for drug-related offences in the region are among the world’s harshest.
The toolkit was developed through consultation with clinicians, community representatives and government agencies. It covers chemsex basics as well as approaches to harm reduction, sexual health, and mental health services. It also covers different service delivery models including face-to-face, online and by communities. The toolkit offers guides and tools on topics such as initiating non-judgmental conversations and risk assessment.
“Stronger HIV prevention strategies tailored to chemsex are needed, along with expanded, inclusive services for sexual, physical and mental health,” said Suniya Taimour, UNAIDS’ Community-led Responses Advisor for Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Thia approach recognises that comprehensive health services can be lifesavers by using one point of contact to address multiple issues including physical, sexual and mental health as well as social issues. Poon is a living example. He has benefitted from a service package that has combined his HIV treatment with harm reduction interventions and psychiatric care. Today he is a 22-year-old university student with clear life goals who feels more empowered about his HIV status.
Our work
Status of HIV Programmes in Indonesia

24 February 2025

Feature Story
Can this innovation change the way people think about HIV?
16 October 2024
16 October 2024 16 October 2024In 2020, a gay Thai man living with HIV sparked controversy with a Facebook post. He was on antiretroviral therapy and had gotten lab tests to check the level of virus in his blood. Since his viral load was undetectable, he wrote, he was going to stop using condoms.
The public responded with a mix of contempt and disbelief. How could he? So selfish! So reckless! The resulting debate spilled from social media onto national radio and TV.
“There was a huge backlash,” remembered Dr Nittaya Phanuphak, the Executive Director of the Institute of HIV Research and Innovation (IHRI). She was telling the story from IHRI’s sunlit offices to teams from Botswana, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Mozambique, South Africa and Zambia. They’d come to Bangkok as part of a learning exchange coordinated by the Global Partnership for Action to Eliminate all Forms of HIV-related Stigma and Discrimination.
Dr Nittaya said that she and her father, Professor Praphan Phanuphak, thought it was their duty to contribute to the public discourse. While the man’s approach might have been unconventional, the science behind his statement was sound.
They would know. Professor Praphan diagnosed Thailand’s first HIV case in 1985 and dedicated his life to HIV research, service delivery and advocacy. He co-founded the Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre which in 2014 conducted cutting-edge research as part of the Opposites Attract Study. Done in Australia, Brazil and Thailand, that study tracked couples in which one person was HIV-negative and the other was living with HIV but had achieved an undetectable viral load through successful HIV treatment. It confirmed that after two years of unprotected sex, there were no cases of HIV transmission between more than 300 couples.
“It’s a scientific fact,” Dr Nittaya said. “For me, I felt like we really needed to do something. We cannot just wait 50 years for this knowledge to gradually seep into Thai society.”
The “knowledge” to which she refers is the concept of undetectable = untransmittable, or U=U for short. Last year the World Health Organization further endorsed the principle, stressing that when a person’s viral load is undetectable there is zero chance of sexual transmission.
“Before, HIV treatment just meant longevity,” said Pan (not his real name), a person living with HIV. “But with U=U, now it is love without fear.”
Within three to six months a person who takes their HIV treatment as prescribed and receives viral load monitoring can confirm that they have achieved an undetectable viral load. This removes the self-stigma associated with having an “infectious” disease. For Thai HIV response stakeholders, this concept can also transform the public’s attitudes about people living with HIV, making it easier for them to live full, happy lives.
“If social perceptions can be brought in line with the reality of HIV treatment, we can remove the stigma around getting an HIV test or diagnosis,” said Eamonn Murphy, Regional Director of UNAIDS Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe Central Asia. “The more supportive the society, the more people we successfully treat and the fewer new infections.”
But for the U=U strategy to be fully utilized, work must be done to dispel myths and bolster confidence in science.
According to UNAIDS Country Director for Thailand, Dr Patchara Benjarattanaporn, a key step in the national process was bringing decision-makers together with relevant stakeholders, including voices from communities.
“They considered both global and local evidence,” she explained. “Now there is consensus about the science. U=U also conveys the message ‘you=you’, affirming that all individuals are equal and that people are more than their HIV status. It emphasizes the importance of ensuring people are fully informed about their options and respecting their right to make choices about their sexual health depending on their realities.”
At the opening ceremony of the eight-country learning exchange, Dr Niti Haetanurak, Department of Disease Control Deputy Director, noted that the U=U concept is a key element of Thailand’s “all of society” strategy to address the prejudice and rights violations people living with HIV face. Thailand has a National Costed Action Plan to Eliminate all forms of HIV-related Stigma and Discrimination. The Ministry of Public Health and Sub-National Committee on AIDS Rights Promotion and Protection under National AIDS Committee coordinate the effort. Community organizations play a leading role.
During the exchange the country teams visited the Service Workers in Group (SWING) Foundation which serves sex workers and IHRI’s Tangerine Clinic which primarily serves transgender people. Both have come up with innovative approaches to ensure groups that usually find it challenging to receive healthcare at state-run facilities can get HIV and sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment in a friendly environment.
A key strategy is training members of those very communities to provide certain services themselves. They can even start clients on treatment for HIV and some other conditions the same day they are diagnosed. This approach makes it less likely for people to disappear into the shadows after diagnosis, with a high chance of infecting others and eventually becoming ill.
“This community-led health model can be applied to any health condition or population. But this does not really address stigma and discrimination. It just bypasses it by opening up alternative service delivery outlets for people who want to avoid negative experiences elsewhere,” Dr. Nittaya said. “We need to address the heart of the stigma as well. That is why we are working on using U=U as a tool to explore how we can shift attitudes.”
The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) is integrating this concept into its work in healthcare settings and the workplace. A masterplan is in the works. One branch of the strategy will tackle employers requiring HIV testing in the pre-employment phase or targeting employees they find out are living with HIV. Another aspect of the approach is the integration U=U into all levels of HIV service delivery and ongoing healthcare worker sensitization. All staff in clinics and hospitals are trained, not just nurses and doctors.
The work doesn’t stop there, though. Describing the Bangkok society as “open”, Dr Tavida Kamolvej, Deputy Governor of Bangkok, said that the whole of society was ready for deeper conversations about inclusion and HIV. But how could these approaches be applied in other countries and cities that are not quite as tolerant or accepting, she was asked.
“If you are confronted with beliefs that might not allow open conversations about HIV, sexuality and sex, you can strategically make it about health literacy, dignity and care for all people. I think this is soft enough to make people aware about health and wellbeing,” Dr Tavida advised.
Click here to learn more about the recent eight-country learning exchange to eliminate all forms of HIV-related stigma and discrimination.
U=U can help end HIV stigma and discrimination. Here’s how

27 February 2025
Status of HIV Programmes in Indonesia

24 February 2025

Feature Story
Interactive health and HIV game app reaches more than 300 000 young people in Côte d’Ivoire
09 September 2024
09 September 2024 09 September 2024Four weeks before the African Cup of Nations football tournament kicked off it was down to the wire. José Fardon, a Côte d’Ivoire web designer and digital developer, had his whole team frantically working on a special edition of an interactive health and HIV game app, called "A l'Assaut du Sida", ‘Tackling AIDS’ (AADS) to coincide with the tournament.
The UNAIDS team had secured funds for the latest rendition of the online game and had rallied UNICEF and the Global Fund to chip in.
“We had launched various versions of the game in the past, but this required a different look and feel to gel with the sporting event,” said Mr Fardon, founder of SYL.
They also needed a final approval from the National AIDS Programme (PNLS).
"Out of the many initiatives put forward ahead of the CAN, the online app really appealed to us because we knew it would not only reach the target audience, it would also make an impact,” said Eboi Ehui, PNLS Coordinating Director. “This is a generation that has never seen the ravages of AIDS so they have felt like it isn’t a problem but it is.”
The success was beyond anyone’s expectations.
The 20,000 tournament volunteers recruited by the Ministry of Youth not only played the online game themselves but they fanned out around the stadiums promoting the game by sharing the QR code with the hundreds of thousands of supporters. And with various prize giveaways during the tournament and afterwards, more and more people downloaded the app to play. Since mid-January 2024, AADS has reached nearly 200,000 adolescents and young people with the latest version reaching a lot of young boys and men (cumulatively, the three versions have reached almost 300 000 people.)
“When I think back, this idea germinated in 2016 as a tool for schools then was launched at the Francophonie Games a year later but now, we really brought it to the general public,” Mr Fardon said. “I am so proud we never gave up.”
His determination impressed more than one person.
In eight years, he convinced UNAIDS staff, the country’s Ministry of Health in close collaboration with PNLS, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Youth and countless partners on the ground.
UNAIDS Country Director Henk Van Renterghem, like his predecessors before him, saw the value and potential of using digital technology to reach adolescents and young people. “General knowledge about HIV and overall comprehensive sexual education has decreased and young people are struggling with so many choices that this easy to download game is without a doubt relevant,” he said.
In July 2023, he explained, the National AIDS Council was alerted by the results of a survey and beseeched HIV partners to step up communication and education efforts.
“Despite the fact that young people have more access to information through the internet and social media than ever before, many young people are struggling to make informed decisions about their sexual relations,” said Mr Van Renterghem. For example, the survey revealed that only 40% knew that medicine (anti-retroviral treatment) existed for HIV and 39% of girls (29% of boys) did not know that condoms prevented HIV transmission. Last year, 20% of new HIV infections in the country were among 15–24-year-olds, according to government data.
As a result, UNAIDS staff along with SYL, vetted and increased the number of questions expanding prevention info.
He and his staff were particularly happy because they also succeeded in expanding the scope of the content.
In went the fact that people with HIV on effective treatment can achieve an undetectable viral load and cannot transmit the virus (U=U) plus stuff about stigma & discrimination, human rights, gender equality and gender-based violence – all structural drivers of HIV.
The full game of 400 questions is like a quiz with additional information popping up. Players score points by advancing through 40 sets of ten questions. At least seven correct answers are needed to advance to the next level. It can take up to an hour to get to the last round and when the updated pilot was tested in October and November of 2023, young people responded well.
Two of the young players who scored in the best percentile agreed.
“The game really taught me a lot. There are a lot of facts about HIV and sexually transmitted diseases,” said Marie Koffi. For Wilfried Touré he said, “I learned a lot of things that I had no idea about from tuberculosis to HIV and even on a personal level I picked things up.”
Going forward national partners now want to distribute a scholastic version of the game to all Côte d’Ivoire schools.
During the final awards ceremony at the end of March, Côte d’Ivoire’s Minister of Health, Pierre Dimba, was clear. “This fun and educational online game is a response to young people's need for true and accurate information via social media,” he said. “The popularity of this game among teenagers is a real testimony that adapting our communication strategies to the habits and needs of young people pays off.”
In Mr Van Renterghem’s mind, Côte d’Ivoire should be proud.
“This home-grown low-cost tool will help us sustain our HIV prevention efforts as international funding will inevitably dwindle.”
That is in part why Mr Fardon and UN partners are dreaming even bigger.
“We would like to launch the app-based game in neighboring countries and eventually roll this out throughout western and central Africa,” he said.
“The sky is the limit.”
More information
Demographic and Health Survey
Impact of the pause of US foreign assistance in Côte d'Ivoire

19 February 2025

Press Statement
UNAIDS calls for the protection of human rights on the International Day to End Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT)
15 May 2024 15 May 2024GENEVA, 15 May 2024—Ahead of IDAHOBIT, commemorated worldwide on 17 May, UNAIDS is calling on governments everywhere to protect the human rights of LGBTQ+ people. Protecting the human rights of every person, UNAIDS research shows, is essential for protecting public health, because it enables inclusive and equitable access to health services without discrimination.
The movement for human rights for all has made important progress. For example, whereas, at the start of the AIDS pandemic, most countries criminalized LGBTQ+ people, now two thirds of countries do not.
However, more than 60 countries still do while another 20 countries criminalize gender expression and identity.
“Stigma, discrimination and criminalization can be lethal,” said Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS. “In the response to HIV, we have learned that a human rights-based approach is critical in responding to a health crisis and leaving no-one behind. Countries must remove these discriminatory criminal laws and introduce legislation which protects rights if we are to end AIDS as a public health threat for everyone.”
Discrimination, violence and criminalization force many LGBTQ+ people underground and away from health services; as a result, gay men and other men who have sex with men, and transgender people, are more affected by HIV. Globally, in 2022, men who have sex with men were 23 times more likely to acquire HIV, and transgender women 20 times more likely to acquire HIV than other adults aged 15–49.
Criminalization of LGBTQ+ people in particular causes significant harm to health. In sub-Saharan Africa, men who have sex with men in countries where they are criminalized, are five times more likely to be living with HIV than in countries that do not criminalize same-sex sexual behavior.
As a recent IAS - Lancet report demonstrated, violations of human rights have multiple damaging impacts on public health. Treating people as criminals drives people away from vital services for fear of arrest and discrimination, resulting in them not accessing HIV prevention, treatment and care. In addition, strict anti-LGBTQ+ laws have been associated with a lack of knowledge about HIV testing and HIV status.
“For far too many people in our LGBTQ+ communities and beyond, the most basic things are still too far from reach, because of the discrimination, stigma, and violence they face every day,” said the international lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex association, ILGA World, co-Secretaries General Luz Elena Aranda and Tuisina Ymania Brown. “This is why they are rallying behind an urgent cry: ‘No one left behind: equality, freedom and justice for all,’ reminding us of the importance of rejecting discriminatory laws, policies, and attitudes.”
Criminal laws that discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity are a breach of the right to privacy and non-discrimination and impede the HIV response. UNAIDS calls on all states to repeal such laws and to introduce legal protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
UNAIDS, the World Health Organization, the United Nations Development Programme, and the Global Commission on HIV and the Law have made the same recommendations, as have the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and several other United Nations agencies.
UNAIDS stands with LGBTQ+ people everywhere who are facing hate, discrimination and marginalization, and calls for an end to their criminalization.
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Summary — Let Communities Lead — UNAIDS World AIDS Day report 2023
28 November 2023
This report is not only a celebration of the critical role of communities. It is a call to action to decision-makers to fully support the life-saving work of communities and to clear away the barriers that stand in their way. Press release | Full report | Fact sheet | World AIDS Day 2023
UNAIDS calls for rights, equality and empowerment for all women and girls on International Women’s Day

06 March 2025
U=U can help end HIV stigma and discrimination. Here’s how

27 February 2025
How the shift in US funding is threatening both the lives of people affected by HIV and the community groups supporting them

18 February 2025
Let Communities Lead — UNAIDS World AIDS Day report 2023
28 November 2023
This report is not only a celebration of the critical role of communities. It is a call to action to decision-makers to fully support the life-saving work of communities and to clear away the barriers that stand in their way. Press release | Report summary | Fact sheet | World AIDS Day 2023
UNAIDS calls for rights, equality and empowerment for all women and girls on International Women’s Day

06 March 2025
U=U can help end HIV stigma and discrimination. Here’s how

27 February 2025

Press Statement
UNAIDS urges Russia to repeal 'LGBTQ propaganda' law
28 October 2022 28 October 2022GENEVA, 29 October 2022—Responding to the statement by the Russian government that it intends to extend the so-called “LGBTQ propaganda” law, UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima has joined with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in expressing deep concern.
“Extension of this law,” said Ms Byanyima, “is a further violation of the rights of people to autonomy, dignity and equality. Not only will it harm the security and general wellbeing of LGBTQ individuals, it will have a serious negative impact on people’s health outcomes. The evidence is clear that punitive and restrictive laws, including those restricting free speech, increase the risk of acquiring HIV and decrease access to services. Such laws reduce the ability of service providers, including peer networks, to provide critical sexual and reproductive health information and services, and increase stigma related to sexual orientation, making it harder for people to protect their health and that of their communities. This will undermine Russia’s efforts to end AIDS by 2030. Our call to the Parliament and Government of Russia is to withdraw these harmful proposals and indeed to repeal the existing law. Stigmatising approaches damage public health, perpetuate pandemics and hurt everyone. Social solidarity, inclusion and protecting every person’s human rights are key to ending AIDS and ensuring health for all.”
The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) leads and inspires the world to achieve its shared vision of zero new HIV infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related deaths. UNAIDS unites the efforts of 11 UN organizations—UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, UN Women, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank—and works closely with global and national partners towards ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more at and connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

Feature Story
“My life’s mission is to end stigma and discrimination, and that starts with U = U”: a story of HIV activism in Thailand
01 March 2022
01 March 2022 01 March 2022Like any other regular day in Bangkok, Thailand, Pete went to work and was living a pretty normal life. He had a business that imported and exported fresh vegetables from neighbouring countries in South-East Asia, a family business that he shared with his sister. He was happy and in a serious long-term relationship with his boyfriend, and everything seemed perfect. That day, he and his partner went to get tested for HIV, and that’s when his life suddenly began to change.
“I found out about my HIV status in 2016 and soon after left my business because I didn’t know if I was going to live much longer. Without guidance and mental health support, I had many misconceptions about HIV, and I started to suffer from depression,” he said.
“I blamed myself for contracting HIV, and I couldn’t cope with this thought. I became a drug user, was engaging in chem sex, broke up with my partner and survived suicide attempts,” he continued. “But after receiving support from local organizations of people living with HIV, I decided to retake control of my life. I started to talk openly about HIV to help other young people live with a positive diagnosis. Even though this was never my plan, I knew I had to do it. That’s why I became an HIV activist,” he added.
Nowadays, Pete (famously known online as Pete Living with HIV) is a well-known HIV activist in Thailand and has come far since his diagnosis. He has spent the past few years building an online community for people living with HIV. In this safe space, people can connect and be comfortable enough to share their stories and experiences in an open environment free from stigma and discrimination. His Facebook group, which has strict membership requirements (for obvious reasons), has more than 1300 members.
“I created this space because I didn’t have a place to share my story. I wanted to create a platform where people living with HIV can be proud of themselves and be reminded they are not alone. No one deserves to be stigmatized, bullied, dehumanized or disrespected. Everyone deserves to be loved, respected and accepted,” he said.
In 2019, the country announced the Thailand Partnership for Zero Discrimination, which calls for intensified collaboration between the government and civil society to work on stigma and discrimination beyond health-care settings, including workplaces, the education system and the legal and justice system. UNAIDS has been involved since the outset of the initiative by providing technical assistance to formulate the zero discrimination strategy and the five-year action plan, develop a monitoring and evaluation plan and operationalize the strategy as a joint effort between the government and civil society.
Pete thinks this initiative is a cornerstone to ending the AIDS epidemic, as stigma and discrimination continues to be the main barrier to HIV services. “Although it has improved a lot over the years, I still experience stigma and discrimination when I go for regular sexually transmitted infection check-ups. I still receive judgement from nurses and doctors,” he said.
Pete has also become a passionate activist for, and speaks about the importance of, U = U (undetectable = untransmittable) at international forums and conferences. “U = U changed my life. I continue to fight for and promote U = U because its messages have the power to change the lives of people living with and affected by HIV. Still, more importantly, it can change social attitudes and tackle stigma and discrimination,” he said.
With U = U, HIV treatment has transformed the HIV prevention landscape. The message is clear and life-changing: by being on HIV treatment and having an undetectable viral load, people living with HIV cannot transmit HIV to their partners. The awareness that they can no longer transmit HIV sexually can provide people living with HIV with confidence and a strong sense of agency in their approach to new or existing relationships.
Pete launched a campaign in 2020 focusing on U = U and mental health advocacy. “Through my social media channels, I raise awareness about the importance of listening to people and their experiences and respecting them. U = U is key to helping people living with HIV overcome self-stigma and negative feelings like shame, which discourage them from accessing and/or remaining on treatment. U = U is encouraging; it can help remind people living with HIV to be proud of themselves,” he said.
Pete is now strengthening partnerships with national stakeholders and allies of the HIV response to ensure that messages related to U = U, HIV prevention and zero discrimination are amplified and reach different audiences. He is also a representative on a multisectoral task force to design and implement the People Living with HIV Stigma Index in Thailand, which will be conducted this year. He has supported the United Nations in Thailand on various campaigns, including the Everybody Deserves Love Valentine's Day campaign and the zero discrimination campaign, in which he is engaging young people from across Thailand.

Feature Story
Bangkok Metropolitan Administration receives award for innovations on PrEP and key population-led services
28 October 2021
28 October 2021 28 October 2021The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) in Thailand has been awarded the inaugural Circle of Excellence Award at the Fast-Track cities 2021 conference, held recently in Lisbon, Portugal. The Circle of Excellence Award showcases outstanding work in fast-tracking the HIV response and advancing innovative programming to end the AIDS epidemic in cities by 2030.
“To receive the Circle of Excellence Award for Bangkok is a great honour. It demonstrates not only the past achievements but, moreover, the future commitment to accelerate the HIV response and towards ending AIDS in Bangkok. We are proud that innovations have produced remarkable results, particularly same-day antiretroviral therapy and key population-led health services, such as specialized and holistic services for transgender people and the scale-up of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) programmes. These innovations are not only applied in Bangkok but have become models for the region,” said Parnrudee Manomaipiboon, the Director-General of the Department of Health, BMA, during the award ceremony.
Organized by the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, in collaboration with UNAIDS, the Fast-Track Cities Institute and other partners, the Fast-Track cities conference highlighted successes achieved across the Fast-Track cities network, addressed cross-cutting challenges faced by local stakeholders and shared best practices in accelerating urban HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis B and C responses.
“Bangkok has put in place a 14-year strategic plan for ending AIDS from 2017 to 2030, which is under the leadership of the Bangkok Fast-Track Committee,” said Pavinee Rungthonkij, the Deputy Director-General, Health Department, BMA. “During COVID-19, BMA and partners have introduced innovations such as multimonth antiretroviral therapy, an express delivery of antiretroviral therapy service, sexually transmitted infection self-sampling and PrEP,” she added. Among other achievements, Bangkok has expanded its PrEP services to 16 municipal public health centres and eight city hospitals and implemented citywide awareness campaigns. PrEP in the City was the first citywide PrEP campaign focusing on transgender people in Asia.
“Significant progress has been made in the HIV response since Bangkok joined the Paris Declaration to end the AIDS epidemic in cities in 2014. It shows that mutual commitments and a strengthened partnership between stakeholders at all levels are key to an effective HIV response. Bangkok will continue to leverage support, scale up innovations and Fast-Track solutions to achieve the 2025 targets and end AIDS by 2030,” said Patchara Benjarattanaporn, the UNAIDS Country Director for Thailand.