

Evaluating the Evidence for Historical Interventions Having Reduced HIV Incidence: A Retrospective Programmatic Mapping Modelling Analysis

08 February 2017

As the HIV epidemic continues to mature alongside the increasing scope and coverage of treatment and prevention programmes, inferring trends in incidence from available prevalence data and subsequently identifying drivers behind epidemic trends will become increasingly complex.25 The availability of prospectively collected programmatic and epidemic surveillance data at a greater sub-national spatial resolution will greatly improve the robustness of future impact evaluations.


Get on the Fast-Track — The life-cycle approach to HIV

21 November 2016

In this report, UNAIDS is announcing that 18.2 million people now have access to HIV treatment. The Fast-Track response is working. Increasing treatment coverage is reducing AIDS-related deaths among adults and children. But the life-cycle approach has to include more than just treatment. Tuberculosis (TB) remains among the commonest causes of illness and death among people living with HIV of all ages, causing about one third of AIDS-related deaths in 2015. These deaths could and should have been prevented. Download slide deck


AIDS by the numbers — AIDS is not over, but it can be

21 November 2016

Huge progress has been made since 2000 and millions of lives have been saved. But there are still important milestones to reach, barriers to break and frontiers to cross. The world has agreed to meet a set of global targets by 2020 as part of UNAIDS Fast-Track strategy to end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat.


Prevention gap report

11 July 2016

Efforts to reach fewer than 500 000 new HIV infections by 2020 are off track. This simple conclusion sits atop a complex and diverse global tapestry. Data from 146 countries show that some have achieved declines in new HIV infections among adults of 50% or more over the last 10 years, while many others have not made measurable progress, and yet others have experienced worrying increases in new HIV infections. More on the Prevention Gap report | Slides are also available for download | Download summary


How AIDS changed everything — MDG6: 15 years, 15 lessons of hope from the AIDS response

14 July 2015

We have reached a defining moment in the AIDS response. Against all odds, we have achieved the AIDS targets of Millennium Development Goal 6. AIDS changed everything. In these pages are valuable insights and ground-breaking and heart-warming experiences from the innovative and exciting work that partners, communities and countries have done and are doing in the AIDS response. There are also heart-breaking stories about the challenges that still remain. More on How AIDS changed everything

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Methods for deriving UNAIDS estimates

08 June 2016

UNAIDS annually provides revised global, regional and country-specific modelled estimates to track the HIV epidemic, using the best available epidemiological and programmatic data. Modelled estimates are required because it is impossible to count the exact number of people living with HIV, people who are newly infected with HIV or people who have died from AIDS-related causes in any country. Knowing this for certain requires testing every person for HIV regularly and investigating all deaths, which is logistically impossible and ethically problematic. Modelled estimates and the lower and upper bounds around these estimates provide a scientifically appropriate way to describe HIV epidemic levels and trends.

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