UNAIDS Strategy
UNAIDS Strategy 2016–2021
At its 37th meeting, the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board adopted a new strategy to end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030. The UNAIDS 2016–2021 Strategy is one of the first in the United Nations system to be aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals, which set the framework for global development policy over the next 15 years, including ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030. Download the UNAIDS 2016-2021 Strategy
Strategy at a glance: eight result areas
Result area 1: Children, adolescents and adults living with HIV access testing, know their status and are immediately offered and sustained on affordable quality treatment
- Voluntary HIV testing services accessible for people at risk of HIV infection
- Early infant diagnostic services accessible to all children exposed to HIV, and all children under 5 years living with HIV on treatment
- All adults, adolescents and children offered antiretroviral therapy and linked to treatment services upon HIV diagnosis
- People on treatment supported and monitored regularly, including scaled-up viral load monitoring, and treatment literacy and nutritional support
- Accessibility, affordability and quality of HIV treatment improved, including through community delivery systems
- HIV services scaled-up and adapted to local contexts, including in cities, fragile communities and humanitarian emergencies
- Adequate investments made in research and development for better diagnostics, antiretroviral medicines, prevention commodities, monitoring tools, vaccines and a cure
Result area 2: New HIV infections among children eliminated and their mother’s health and well-being is sustained
- Immediate treatment accessible to all pregnant women living with HIV (Option B+)
- HIV, sexual and reproductive health, including family planning, tuberculosis and maternal and child health services integrated and accessible for women, especially women living with HIV
- HIV prevention services for male partners promoted, including testing and treatment
Result area 3: Young people, especially young women and adolescent girls, access combination prevention services and are empowered to protect themselves from HIV
- Youth-friendly HIV, sexual and reproductive health and harm reduction information and services accessed independently and equally by young women and men
- All people, especially young people, reduce HIV-related risk behaviour and access HIV combination prevention services, including primary prevention and sexual and reproductive health services
- Twenty billion condoms available annually in low- and middleincome countries for people of all ages
- Additional 27 million men in high-prevalence settings voluntarily medically circumcised as part of access to integrated sexual and reproductive health services for men
- Quality comprehensive sexuality education* accessed by all adolescent and young people > Information accessed, awareness raised and demand created through traditional and new forms of communication and outreach
- Young people meaningfully engaged in the response to ensure effectiveness and sustainability
Result area 4: Tailored HIV combination prevention services are accessible to key populations, including sex workers, men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, transgender people and prisoners, as well as migrants
- Combination prevention services adequately resourced and available, tailored to populations, locations and interventions with maximum impact
- Outreach and new media inform and create demand for use of traditional and new prevention technologies, including condoms and pre-exposure prophylaxis
- Three million people on pre-exposure prophylaxis annually, focused particularly on key populations and people at high risk in high prevalence settings
- People who inject drugs access clean needles and syringes, as well as opioid substitution therapy and other evidenceinformed drug dependence treatment
- Migrants, refugees and crisis-affected populations have access to HIV-related services
- People living with HIV and other key populations meaningfully engaged in decision-making and implementation of HIV prevention programmes
Result area 5: Women and men practice and promote healthy gender norms and work together to end gender-based, sexual and intimate partner violence to mitigate risk and impact of HIV
- Women and girls and men and boys engaged and empowered to prevent gender-based, sexual and intimate partner violence, and promote healthy gender norms and behaviour
- Laws, policies and practices enable women and girls to protect themselves from HIV and access HIV-related services, including by upholding their rights and autonomy
- Sexual and reproductive health and rights needs fully met to prevent HIV transmission
- Young women in high-prevalence settings access economic empowerment initiatives
- Women meaningfully engaged in decision-making and implementation of the AIDS response
Result area 6: Punitive laws, policies, practices, stigma and discrimination that block effective responses to HIV are removed > Punitive laws, policies and practices removed, including overly broad criminalization of HIV transmission, travel restrictions, mandatory testing and those that block key populations’ access to services
- People living with, at risk of and affected by HIV know their rights and are able to access legal services and challenge violations of human rights
- HIV-related stigma and discrimination eliminated among service providers in health-care, workplace and educational settings
- Laws, policies and programmes to prevent and address violence against key populations issued and implemented
Result area 7: AIDS response is fully funded and efficiently implemented based on reliable strategic information
- Investment of at least US$ 31.1 billion available for the global AIDS response annually in 2020 in low- and middle-income countries, with one quarter invested in prevention globally
- Low-income countries mobilize at least on average 12% of country resource needs, lower-middle-income mobilize 45% and upper-middle-income countries mobilize 95% from domestic sources
- International investment for the AIDS response reaches US$ 12.7 billion > Financial sustainability transition plans and country compacts implemented
- Countries use timely, appropriate and reliable strategic information to prioritize resource allocation, evaluate responses and inform accountability processes
- Allocative and productive efficiency gains fully exploited and commodity costs reduced in countries of all income levels, including by overcoming restrictive intellectual property and trade barriers
- Country capacity built, including through technology transfer arrangements
- Investment and support to civil society, including networks of people living with, at risk of and affected by HIV, scaled up to enhance their essential role in the response
Result area 8: People-centred HIV and health services are integrated in the context of stronger systems for health > HIV-sensitive universal health coverage schemes implemented
- People living with, at risk of and affected by HIV empowered through HIV-sensitive national social protection programmes, including cash transfers
- People living with, at risk of and affected by HIV access integrated services, including for HIV, tuberculosis, sexual and reproductive health, maternal, newborn and child health, hepatitis, drug dependence, food and nutrition support and noncommunicable diseases, especially at the community level
- Comprehensive systems for health strengthened through integration of community service delivery with formal health systems
- Human resources for health trained, capacitated and retained to deliver integrated health and HIV services > Stock-outs prevented through strengthened procurement and supply chain systems